2) No quarter

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"Good lord that one has some lungs on him he should've been an opera singer might've ended better for him actually" Rebekah said.

"Kol always liked the chase better but since we're in a hurry I guess he's not in a mood for a chase" Evelyn said coming over wiping some blood off her mouth.

"Is this absolutely necessary" Freya asked. "That depends do you want us at our full strength or do you plan on rescuing Nik on your own" Rebekah asked.

"No death rattles are distracting and I'm trying to break a cloaking spell" Freya said.

"Kol would you please" Elijah yelled tired of the man's screaming. "Thank you" Elijah said once the screaming stopped.

"You were saying" Elijah said to Freya. "I can sense Klaus is still in New Orleans most likely somewhere underground" Freya said and Kol went over to Evelyn.

"There's my best friend you got full" Evelyn asked him. "Full enough I suppose" Kol said.

"I can't get a read on exactly where unless I'm in the city itself" Freya said.

"Yeah, that's gonna be a problem I have contacts in New Orleans as you can imagine the place is crawling with vampires all of whom hate all of us" Hayley said.

"Well good I never liked them either give me a stake and my crossbow I'm still a pretty good shot" Evelyn said, and Hayley shook her head at her.

"Whatever we do we need to do it fast" Hayley said.

"No, I wasn't planning on a pub crawl I don't wanna stay any longer than we have to, but we need to go" Freya said.

"Wait we're not doing this today" Kol said. "Hasn't Nik suffered enough" Rebekah asked.

"Yes, and I've died twice" Kol said. "Don't remind me" Evelyn said.

"I'm not about to give Marcel a shot at third now I say we draw that muppet out of town and when he's gone" Kol started to say when Hayley interrupted him.

"I've been away from my daughter long enough if you are afraid" Hayley started to say when Kol interrupted.

"It's called being sensible until Freya can make enough cure with her werewolf hostage Marcel can basically chew through our bloody throats" Kol said.

"Enough we're all in danger" Elijah said and stood up. "Well free Niklaus today even if I have to burn that city to the ground" Elijah said leaving with Freya, Hayley and Rebekah.

"Come on scaredy cat" Evelyn said to Kol and the two best friends followed them.


"You always knew how to get on his bad side didn't you" Klaus heard a familiar voice say.

"Evelyn" Klaus said opening his eyes seeing her. "Not exactly in a figment of your imagination remember your brain's way of distracting yourself from all the pain same as the last time Marcel stabbed you with that blade your subconscious fabricates the illusion of my presence in order to escape unendurable agony like the kind, you're experiencing right now the real me is still out there with Hayley somewhere" Evelyn said.

"I can endure this pain" Klaus said. "If that's the case then why am I here" Evelyn asked.

"Your great existential fear of being utterly alone down here in the dark" Evelyn said. "And reminder I took a class is how I know all of this" Evelyn added. "Don't speak of it" Klaus said.

"Irritability is another form of sublimation you're not annoyed with me you blame yourself for getting into this mess just admit it you, big doofus" Evelyn said.

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