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"Oh, don't you look lovely" Lucien said coming in the room. "Don't try to flirt it won't get you anywhere" Evelyn said.

"Something wrong" Lucien asked. "Should I make a list" Evelyn asked.

"You tortured Detective Kinney a guy I barely know gave him a compulsion lobotomy not to mention you're keeping me here knowing I can't be compelled for who knows how long along with boring me to death I mean I appreciate your dead witch's hand me downs and remembering to feed me" Evelyn said.

"But did you really think I was just going to smile and eat up" Evelyn asked.

"If so, well you have another thing coming" Evelyn said.

"Well think of all the poor people who are starving in, well somewhere I'd join you, but I've been called to dine with the Mikaelsons" Lucien said.

"Are they going to serve your head on a platter" Evelyn asked. "Doubtful Niklaus and I are allies now that the evil Tristan is in town" Lucien said.

"And yet your holding his ex girlfriend prisoner" Evelyn said. "You and I both know someone's gonna notice that I'm gone and when they do they'll track me here" Evelyn told Lucien.

"Also I could walk out any minute once your gone" Evelyn said and there was a knock on the door.

"I already thought of that" Lucien said and he let a vampire in.

"This is Anton a very loyal and very dangerous friend tread carefully now unlucky for you I did some research, and your bite can't kill vampires" Lucien told Evelyn.

"Oh, and uh Anton if you should not hear from me by nightfall go on and kill her but do it quickly oh and for god's sake don't ask if she has any final words you'll be here through the weekend" Lucien said and left.


Tristan made his way to Lucien with flowers. "Ah flowers for me you shouldn't have" Lucien said.

"They're for the lady of the house" Tristan said before putting them down.

"The well mannered bring a gift when invited to dinner I assume you brought nothing" Tristan said.

"Nothing but my deepest respect for you" Lucien said. "Lovely we're all getting along" Klaus said coming in. "Like a fuse and a match" Lucien said.

"I take it Aurora is on her way" Klaus said. "I'm sorry I'm late" Aurora said coming in. "Just freshening up I did want to look pretty"'Aurora said and Klaus smiled at her.

"Well, well if it isn't my old friend Lucien" Aurora said once she made her way to Lucien. "Hello Aurora it's been ages you look" Lucien said when Klaus made his way to Aurora.

"You look ravishing" Klaus said and kissed Aurora's hand. "Welcome to our home" Elijah said making his appearance known.

"I do wish it was under better circumstances we all face a common threat a prophecy warning that my siblings and I would all fall within a year I fear my sister already has" Elijah said.

"Only as a precautionary measure I assure you" Tristan said.

"Interesting you see I would've called it an entirely unnecessary measure" Elijah said making his way to them.

"We need to untie to prevent this prophecy from coming to pass and since any alliance is impossible without honesty let us begin this evening's proceedings by formally acknowledging your clandestine alliance" Elijah said.

"Now gentlemen before" Lucien said. "Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh Lucien please" Elijah said interrupting him.

"Let's not ruin the dinner before it begins" Elijah said. "And do try to bear in mind we expect an honest and productive negotiation this evening" Klaus said.

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