8) voodoo in my blood

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"Hope what's going on" Hayley asked as she and Evelyn walked over to Hope. "Mom, do you hear them too" Hope asked.

"Hear who sweet girl" Evelyn asked and Hayley turned Hope to face her. "What's going on" Klaus asked coming over. "Look at me tell me what you heard" Hayley said.

"Voices they said that we're connected to this you and me" Hope said. "If this fossil has been whispering lies, I'll gladly throw it in the river" Klaus said.

"No not the bone the witches the ancestors" Hope said. "Oh, great I thought we were done with them" Evelyn said.

"They have a message for us a warning" Hope said. "Tell me what they said" Hayley said.

"They want you to go to St. Anne's church to talk to them they said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now before the hollow comes for us" Hope said.


"Please be careful I still don't fully trust the witches" Evelyn said to Klaus.

"I'll do my very best" Klaus said and Evelyn sighed. "Hey, I promise I'll make it back to you" Klaus said.

"You better" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled. Evelyn gave him a kiss on the cheek and left him alone.


"I'm sure your men will find the bones by compulsion or alternative forms of persuasion" Sofia said to Marcel. "Of course, just takes time" Marcel said.

"Of which we have none" Elijah said and Marcel turned to see Elijah and Evelyn.

"What are you doing here" Marcel asked. "Is that any way to treat guests" Evelyn asked. "We need to talk if you wouldn't mind" Elijah said. "Excuse us" Marcel said and Sofia left.

"Make it quick" Marcel said. "Calm down we do t wanna be in your presence much more than you want to be in ours" Evelyn said.

"I need your help meeting an expert shortly he'll be coming by way of Mystic Falls carrying one of the bones and the means to find another between the four of us we should have those remains by sundown" Elijah said.

"Why should I trust you for that matter why would you trust me" Marcel asked.

"Who said we did" Evelyn asked. "I don't" Elijah told Marcel. "But why should we let old grievances hinder our common goal here's a proposal" Elijah said.

"One that I'm sure you'll like" Evelyn said. Elijah shown Marcel the weapon he had. "You come with me I surrender the only weapon that can take your life" Elijah said.


"Good thing we brought the German sports car" Elijah said. "Says the man in a $5.000 suit" Marcel said. "Nine if we're counting" Elijah said.

"Don't ever wear regular clothes" Evelyn asked Elijah who ignored her question.

"I'll take that as a no" Evelyn said. "Says the barbarian alright look your expert better pay off otherwise we're wasting time that we don't have" Marcel said.

"See that's so very hurtful Marcellus and here I thought we were having a marvelous, galactic adventure together" Elijah said.

"You think you're real cute don't you" Marcel asked. "This is going to be a long day I can just feel it" Evelyn said.

"Yeah, the only reason that you invited me on this little road trip is so you could play bodyguard" Marvel told Elijah. "Babysitter" Elijah said.

"Keep my power from falling into the hands of the hollow right yeah see you're always working some angle to protect your family at least Klaus is upfront about it but not you with your manners and your suits and your handkerchiefs" Marcel said.

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