4) A walk on the wild side

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Evelyn was with Freya reading while Freya mediated. Klaus came in the room and saw them.

"What are you doing here" Klaus asked Freya" I live here" Freya said. "Yes, obviously I just hadn't realized you were back from wherever it is you go to when you leave perhaps, I was thrown off by the lack of strange gentlemen callers perusing the contents of my refrigerator this morning" Klaus said.

"Aw someone missed their sissy how sweet" Evelyn said. "Your concern for my whereabouts is touching" Freya said.

"I simply want to know who is here at any given moment I hardly think that's too much to ask" Klaus said. "Well as long as we're taking attendance" Hayley said coming in.

"Ugh if I had any place to be than a room with my ex-boyfriend I be there right now" Evelyn said and Klaus glared at her.

"Oh, good it's my not so loving elder brother and my former one-night stand who happens to be my ex-girlfriend's sister what a nice normal family gathering" Klaus said.

"Charming Elijah was just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long-lost buddies you can trust, and which one is trying to kill you" Hayley said.

"Well clearly what the situation needs is more opinions I assume you told her about the blood prophecy" Klaus said and Elijah looked at Hayley.

"I was just getting to that" Elijah said. "Now would be good" Hayley said.

"Well, it appears my old mate Lucien had acquired a genuine seer and, in an effort, to prove his good intentions he got her to show us some rather dire visions of future doom it's grim stuff really not for the faint of heart" Klaus said.

"Whose doom are we talking about" Hayley asked. "Do I need to get my crossbow" Evelyn asked.

"Because if it's yours then I think we're all okay with that" Hayley said. "I'm not" Evelyn mumbled but Klaus heard her and looked at her before looking back at Hayley.

"Well sadly we're all on the chopping block but chin up this witch claims her visions are constantly evolving so you may just get your wish" Klaus said.

"And we're trusting witches last time we did Hope nearly died" Evelyn said but was ignored.

"Well, I wanna meet this psychic witch tonight" Hayley said.


Hayley, Elijah, and Evelyn walked into the party where everyone stared at Elijah. Elijah offered his arm to Evelyn remembering the vision he, saw of her dying and wanted to keep her safe.

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Hayley looked at Evelyn and gestured for her to take Elijah's arm scared to lose her ever since Elijah told her about Evelyn dying in the vision.

Evelyn rolled her eyes and took Elijah's arms. "Why are you guys being so protective" Evelyn asked.

"Reminder I'm a werecoyote huntress and I never leave without my crossbow" Evelyn said but was ignored.

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