16) Alone with Everybody

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Evelyn was with Elijah by the piano when they recognized one of Klaus's enemies.

"I just got into town the competition for that bullet's gonna be fierce lot of vamps saying he's theirs but not if I get to him first, I've waited long enough for my shot at Klaus Mikaelson if anyone's gonna take him down it's gonna be me" he said and hung up leaving the room.

Soon enough a waitress spilled drinks all over the two men watching Evelyn and Elijah.

"Go time" Evelyn said and Elijah offered his hand which she took, and they sped out of there going after the man.

Evelyn and Elijah followed him out to the street without him noticing. Suddenly they were stopped by two men. "Gentlemen" Elijah said.

"Got bored of the party" Evelyn asked. "Come on Elijah I thought we agreed, the compelled waitress dumping those drinks was a nice touch" Marcel said going over to Elijah and Evelyn.

"But you're the one who wanted to keep the strix around for security as long as we have a legion of Mikaelson enemies in town how about you just let them do their job" Marcel said.

"No offense Marcel but I don't trust them, and I can't believe Elijah let them live I mean don't forget that they held my sister captive and killed her husband who I never really liked but that's beside the point" Evelyn said.

"You know Marcel I was just looking for a little me time aside from Evelyn of course" Elijah said.

"Well as soon as they know you're safe and sound they'll be more than happy to give you all the me time you want in the meantime if you stayed put maybe they could devote more of their energy to finding out who's got their hands on that missing white oak bullet" Marcel said.

"Anyone ever tell you that you can be a real pain" Evelyn asked.


"How's things with Klaus" Evelyn asked Hayley over the phone. "Oh, you know could be worse" Hayley said.

"Please tell me you didn't kill each other yet" Evelyn said. "No things are actually going quite well I promise" Hayley said. "Wish I was there" Evelyn said.

"It's safer that you're not" Hayley said. "Yeah, I know" Evelyn said. "Hey, I gotta go talk soon okay stay safe" Hayley said. "Okay bye sis" Evelyn said and hung up.


"Are you quite sure" Elijah asked Kol. "I saw him with my own eyes Finn must have come back when Davina resurrected me" Kol said.

"Yay my least favorite Mikaelson back from the dead that's, that's um, yay" Evelyn said sarcastically.

"The spell was tied to the blood of the Mikaelson line either it worked on him, or he found a way to hijack it either way the only how I care about right now is how long I'm going to make him suffer before I kill him" Kol said.

"Hey maybe I can help I'll bring my bow and arrow" Evelyn said. "Ugh don't remind me I remember many times you were angry at me, and you used it on me" Kol said.

"Man up, I didn't kill you" Evelyn said. "Still hurt" Kol said. "Restraint brother and you as well Evie for now" Elijah said.

"Why" Kol asked. "Finn is clearly the one spreading rumors about missing white oak he's luring Nik's enemies out of the woodwork it's all part of his tedious revenge fantasy" Kol said, and Freya came in.

"You're wrong those rumors began before either of you returned Finn's innocent" Freya said.

"Innocent" Kol asked. "Pardon me love but Finn has tried to kill the rest of us more than once he is an enemy of our family" Kol said.

"He is our family Finn's return is an opportunity to mend old wounds and fix what's broken" Freya said.

"He didn't just drop a bloody vase he murdered me" Kol said. "Not to mention the fact he's technically the reason why I died the first time" Evelyn said.

"You seem certain" Elijah said to Freya. "Are you honestly siding with her" Kol asked.

"Time and again Finn has demonstrated nothing but contempt towards this family, so you tell me" Elijah said.

"How can you be so certain that he would return to us in peace" Elijah asked. "Our sister knows me well" Finn said coming over and Kol moved Evelyn behind him.

"Though perhaps you're right to doubt my intentions by all means let's discuss our family quarrels I believe we're long overdue" Finn said.


Evelyn was trying to help Freya to keep Kol and Freya from fighting even though if it was up to her, she would gladly let Kol kill Finn or do it herself.

"Take a swing huh all these sidesteps and parries even the way you fight is boring" Kol said.

"You know it's a, odd critique considering all your flair and flourish couldn't keep you from being bested the last time we faced each other" Finn said and Kol finally managed to move Freya and Evelyn out of his way and sped to Finn, but Lucien sped him off of Finn pinning him to the wall.

"Perhaps we should let them fight after all they can't actually kill each other" Lucien said.

"Behave yourselves" Elijah said coming in. "Particularly considering we will be confined here together for the foreseeable future" Elijah said and Kol broke free from Lucien.

"What does that mean" Kol asked. "I believe the term is staycation" Elijah said.

"Okay not all of us are up to the terms cause one of us was dead for five years and then was magically brought back to life by your creepy witch lunatic mother" Evelyn said.

"You see Niklaus isn't the only one who's inspired revenge fantasies right now we are all at risk so while Marcel works to retrieve the white oak, I recommend we dispense with all of this posturing get down to some good old fashioned family bonding" Elijah said. "Y'all have fun I'm out" Evelyn said and left.


Kol walked into Evelyn's room and saw her painting.

"Painting huh that was the main thing you and Nik had in common" Kol said. "It helps keep my mind off things besides if I don't, I'll go down there and murder Finn" Evelyn said.

"You know I'd never let him hurt you right I won't let him near you let alone be alone with you" Kol said.

"Yeah, I know" Evelyn said. "Hey maybe I can get Davina to do a protection" Kol said but Evelyn stopped him.

"Kol I'll be fine okay I'm still a coyote and I still know how to shoot an arrow" Evelyn said.

"Okay but maybe you should consider letting Davina" Kol said.

"Kol no it's okay" Evelyn said and faced him. "What's going on your not acting like yourself you're acting scared what is it is something wrong" Evelyn asked and Kol thought about the visions Elijah told him about Evelyn.

"No, no nothing just being protective" Kol said. "Well, I promise I'm fine okay" Evelyn said.

"Okay" Kol said. "Maybe you should talk to Davina cool down a little I'll be fine Elijah is here he'll protect me" Evelyn said.

"You sure" Kol asked. "Positive now go" Evelyn said and Kol left while Evelyn went back to painting.

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