22) fire with fire

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Evelyn was with Elijah and Freya who was currently chanting while Evelyn watched the rain when Rebekah came in and Evelyn faced her.

"It's done I'm de linked from those children the covens are most grateful, and we even beat the rain" Rebekah said.

"That's great Rebekah" Evelyn said. "I trust Davina will play her part" Elijah said. "Yeah, against my better judgement" Marcel said.

"Stop being so overprotective Davina is regent to all covens she'll be granted power to resurrect Kol and clout to unite witches to our cause" Rebekah said.

"And my best friend will be alive again" Evelyn said.

"Don't pop the champagne just yet Dahlia said she'd come for the baby and Evelyn and now a storm springs up out of nowhere" Marcel said.

"You really think that's a coincidence" Marcel asked. "Regardless of her power she needs to be dealt with fortunately we have a weapon" Elijah said.

"Look no offense but are we gonna put all of our eggs in one still kind of mysterious basket" Marcel asked. "I agree with Marcel" Evelyn said.

"Are we sure we can trust her" Evelyn asked. "No offense I want to trust you I do but after putting Klaus down and then trying to use me and my niece as bait you're not at the top of my list" Evelyn said.

"I assure you I am quite motivated to aid in Dahlia's defeat particularly now that Elijah has forced me to be the bait" Freya said.

"And if we should fail Davina and the witches will take up the task distracting Dahila long enough for Hope and Hayley to disappear" Elijah said. "What about Evie" Rebekah asked.

"He tried to get me to run when he woke me up, I refused I rather be dead than let you all do this alone" Evelyn said.

Rebekah went to the window and closed it. "Elijah" Rebekah said, and Elijah went to Rebekah when she noticed something and followed her along with Marcel.


"Until Niklaus is found Marcel and his men will scour the city" Elijah said. "Assuming Nik doesn't slaughter them you know as well as I do, he'll be on the warpath" Rebekah said.

"Which again raised the question how is he even awake" Rebekah asked.

"This wouldn't be happening if you wouldn't have automatically assumed he was the bad guy" Evelyn said. "It was Dahlia" Freya said coming in.

"This was all part of her plan no doubt she killed Aiden hoping that the blame would fall on Klaus the family would divide and she could win Klaus to her cause" Freya said.

"Bet y'all regret fathering him now or not letting me undagger him don't you" Evelyn said.

"That is absurd Nik would never align with Dahlia" Rebekah said. "You continue to defend him" Freya said.

"And you continue to be against him" Evelyn said. "He'd kill anyone who'd try to take his daughter" Rebekah said. "Isn't Hayley trying to take his daughter" Freya asked.

"Their daughter let's not forget that Dahila is the true enemy here" Elijah said.

"How good then that I finished my spell ingredients in the paint of his artwork combined with my blood will render Dahlia vulnerable the moment she passes between these paintings she will be mortal you can kill her using this" Freya said and gave the weapon to Elijah.

"Father's knife" Elijah said. "I thought it appropriate" Freya said. "We have a visitor" Elijah said and sped away.


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