9) meeting Rebekah

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Evelyn, Elijah, Kol, and Finn were all sitting together at the table.

"We arrive in this world as innocents wide eyed vulnerable it is the job of our parents to nurture and protect us unfortunately our own parents failed miserably at even the most basic of parental tasks but we are not beholden to the past they created for us today a new future awaits forget your animosity toward Elijah and myself instead join us against she who truly deserves your ire our mother do this and we will welcome you with open arms" Klaus said.

"Wow wait Kol or Kaleb whatever his name is I'm cool with but Finn no way" Evelyn said.

"Well," Kol said. "But if you continue to oppose us a denial of pastries will be the least of your concerns" Klaus said.

"If all you wanted was my allegiance against mother dearest you should've said so saved me a night shackled to the wall" Kol said.

"Yes, this was Niklaus my recommendation was to remove your limbs one by one until you comply" Elijah said.

"I just wanted to kill Finn I mean only Is fair he is partly the reason why I was dead in the first place" Evelyn said.

"We have no desire to torture you provided you vow to stand beside us as brothers" Klaus said.

"Brothers" Finn said. "Does that word even apply to us after all these centuries of betrayal and is loyalty to you ever really rewarded if so tell me Niklaus where is our sister Rebekah" Finn asked.

"Wow you really are working on my last nerve be lucky that he's keeping me from killing you it doesn't matter if you're a witch I'm pretty good when need to be" Evelyn said.</p>

"She was blindly loyal to you for 1000 years and now nowhere to be found" Finn said talking about Rebekah.

"Where did our sister go and how did she escape your vile machinations" Finn asked.</p>

"You think me vile well what then do you make of the one who curse us" Klaus asked. "She was trying to make you mortal again" Finn said.

"Yeah, without seeing if that was what he truly desired" Evelyn said.

"And you both refused her only proves how far you've fallen but I expect Rebekah will have a different response to her proposal see unlike the two of you she always did cling to her humanity" Finn said to Elijah and Klaus.

"Rebekah is off limits to you, you peruse her, and you will suffer" Elijah said.

"Do not let him goad you Elijah neither he nor Esther will find Rebekah unless she wants to be found and she does not" Klaus said.

"Esther is quite determined she's been searching for Rebekah since the day she returned I imagine it's only a matter of time" Finn said, and Elijah grabbed Finn and bit his neck.</p>


Klaus pulled Evelyn and Elijah aside to talk to them privately. "I enjoy a good bloodletting as much as anyone" Klaus said and gave Elijah a handkerchief which he took wiping his mouth.

"But our brothers have power as well as knowledge of Esther's plans we need them alive" Klaus said. "Really can we at least kill Finn" Evelyn asked.

"Can you imagine what they would do to Rebekah to Hope" Elijah asked.

"Rebekah has been cloaked by powerful magic focus on the task at hand we need to persuade our brothers" Klaus said.

"I'm through with persuasion" Elijah said. "Has the earth shifted on its axis" Klaus asked.

"You, needing restraint from me" Klaus said and Elijah's phone rang as he answered it walking away with Klaus and Evelyn following.

"It's me I have the baby and we're on the run Esther found us we're safe for now I've lost her bloody starlings, but I have no idea where to go" Rebekah said. "Tell her to head west I'll call Hayley" Klaus said.

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