7) wheel inside the wheel

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Hayley and Evelyn heard screaming and they went inside the manor and made their way to Klaus. "I see your interrogation went well" Hayley said.

"What gave it away the blood or screaming" Evelyn asked. "It turns out these witches are delicate creatures no matter as suspected my mother has Elijah captive" Klaus said.

"And I thought my family had problems" Evelyn said. "Great let's go find them" Hayley said.

"Esther is too powerful she won't easily be found I need to draw her out" Klaus said. "What where are you going" Hayley asked.

"I'm going to change my shirt and then I'm gonna find my brother" Klaus said going to close the door when Hayley stopped him.

"Klaus let me come with you" Hayley said. "I know you want to help Hayley, but you can't my mother is wretched she will target you in order to thwart me and I can't very well save Elijah if I'm busy saving you and Evelyn you're not coming either" Klaus said.

"Excuse you" Evelyn said. "She will target you to get to not only me, but your sister as well stay here so I know your safe please" Klaus said and Evelyn sighed giving in and Klaus closed the door.


"I wouldn't say that" Evelyn said seeing Marcel and Gia. "My sister is right he's not which sucks considering how low the bar is around here" Hayley said as she and Evelyn made their way to Marcel and Gia.

"Listen you two up for a rescue mission" Hayley asked. "Are we going after Elijah" Gia asked.</p>

"Nope that's all Klaus I'm talking about Oliver he and Elijah were fighting werewolves together I heard that Oliver's been captured and he's about to be executed now look if we can save Oliver then we might be able to find out where Elijah is" Hayley said.

"Okay so what do you want from us" Marcel asked. "Just a little distraction Evie will be with me she has her crossbow if anything happens as much as I wish she would stay at home" Hayley said.

"Now why would I stay at home while you three have all the fun" Evelyn said.

"Esther's son Finn he's the one that's controlling the werewolves if you can keep him out of the way I can go get Ollie myself" Hayley said going to leave when Marcel sped in front of her.

"You can't take on all those wolves by yourself you'll get killed then I'll get killed for letting it happen" Marcel said.

"I'm not going in alone the werewolves may be answering to the witches, but they still have an alpha I just have to find him" Hayley said.


Hayley and Evelyn were looking for the alpha when an arrow was shot, and Hayley caught it.

Evelyn put her crossbow up ready to fire when another one was shot, and Hayley caught it. "Is that your best shot" Hayley asked.

"You'll gonna have to do a lot better than that if you're gonna kill a hybrid or even my sister sure she's back from the dead but she's a pretty amazing shot" Hayley said as the werewolf got closer to them.

"Stop" a voice said and Evelyn and Hayley turned seeing Jackson. "Jackson" Hayley said.

"Hayley" Jackson said and saw Evelyn. "Who's she" Jackson asked.

"My sister" Hayley said. "I see you met my friend Ansel" Jackson said. "You know them" Ansel asked.

"I know Hayley she was supposed to be my wife, but I never knew she had a sister" Jackson said.

"I just came back from the dead long story" Evelyn said and Jackson nodded.


"After Francesca Guerrera took over the wolves, she offered me a moonlight ring as long as I called her alpha, I declined so a couple of her brothers dragged me out here and left me for dead by the time I healed up word had spread about what happened to you and to your baby, so I knew it was over and I just drifted" Jackson said.

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