10) There is no disappearing light

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Evelyn walked in the room right as Hope threw Klaus with her magic and sighed. "Are you sure this is a good idea" Evelyn asked crossing her arms.

"Evie love please" Klaus said. "Fine I'll just enjoy watching my niece throw her daddy around" Evelyn said and Klaus got up.

"Do it again harder this time all that pain that simmering darkness you need to purge it before it eats you alive" Klaus said. "Dad" Hope said.

"Give me your anger Hope" Klaus said. Hope turned around screamed and threw Klaus with her magic. "It's not working" Hope said. "Well at least it was fun to watch" Evelyn said and Klaus glared at Evelyn.

"Love you" Evelyn said to Klaus. "You're holding back" Klaus said to Hope.

"You really think I wanna feel this way no matter how hard I try to get it out I don't feel any better you're not the one that I wanna hurt" Hope said and Klaus got up. "Give me a name" Klaus said.


"It's too late for Hope it's too late eventually the darkness is gonna overtake her and the kid you knew is gonna be no more" Vincent said. "I don't accept that" Elijah said.

"Yeah, neither do I there's always another way always" Evelyn said.

"You know she barely survived this when she was eight now, she's a budding adult and she's one human kill away from triggering her werewolf side now you think she's angry now you wait until those claws come out and the eyes turn yellow" Vincent said.

"I need you to fix this" Elijah said. "Elijah" Evelyn said when Vincent interrupted.

"I don't know how to fix this Elijah look around all of these witches just woke up from the dead with vampire blood coursing through their veins now as soon as their grief gives them a one second pause, they're gonna have to decide whether or not they're gonna feed and live forever or end it all they're my one and only priority Elijah that's it" Vincent said.

"Sorry Evie I wish there was something I could do" Vincent said to her.

"Me too but good luck with the witches" Evelyn said and Vincent nodded and left. "Guess I should get back to Klaus" Evelyn said and left.


"Josh slow down what's going on" Evelyn asked. "I may need your help with Marcel he went to the abandoned MSP plant, and I may need your help he said he needs backup and I been avoiding him" Josh said.

"You been avoiding him are you insane he could be in serious danger Josh" Evelyn said.

"Will you please just help me" Josh asked. "I'll meet you there, but you better be lucky if I don't slap the tar out of you when I see you" Evelyn said.

"Got it" Josh said and Evelyn hung up sighing. "He's been a vampire longer than I have how is he still an idiot" Evelyn asked.


Evelyn met with Josh at the abandoned MSP Plant and his behind a car once they saw Emmett and his crew. Emmett and his crew got in the van and Emmett drove away.

"Of course, Emmett is behind this" Evelyn said. Josh and Evelyn went in the building once they were sure the close was clear.

They looked around for Marcel once they were inside. 

"Evie" Josh said once he found Marcel and Evelyn went to where Josh was. Marcel started shaking his head confusing Evelyn as she looked around.

"No Josh don't, no" Marcel said. Josh went to go in the circle only that he couldn't causing Evelyn to look.

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