𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 / jay klickin

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Tiana's pov
Unknown location
5:03 pm

Me, jay and his friends were hanging out at one of their houses. I genuinely didn't know and didn't care.

But we were just hanging out, some were playing the game and others were sitting around smoking.

I was sitting next to jay as he put the blunt to his lips, inhaling the smoke.

I laid my head on his shoulder, feeling a little lightheaded from the smoke that was clouding the room.

Jay side eyed me with a mug, shrugging my head off his shoulder and went back to talking with his brother Notti.

He always did this when we got around his friends. He would act all hard around them, but when me and him were alone, he would've the most clingiest person ever.

I laid my head back on his shoulder, closing my eyes, when he aggressively pushed my head off his shoulder.

"Ma you see I'm doin' somethin', chill out." He said before turning back to Notti.

I rolled my eyes before laying my head on the arm of the couch, since I was all the way at the end.

I went to sleep for what felt like 30 seconds but in reality it was around an hour.

"Come on, we finna go home." I nodded half way listening half way not because I was still tired.

We left the house, getting into the car before jay pulled off.

"You want something to eat?" Jay said looking out into the side mirror. I shook my head just really wanting to go back to the sleep.

We finally got home after jay still got me food knowing I would still be hungry.

We got inside the apartment, and i sat down on the couch. Jay sat the food down on the coffee table before standing in front of me.

"Why-" I was cut off by him tackling me back onto the couch. He laid directly on top of me, laying his head on my chest.

"Uhn uh, hop off me I'm hungry." I said but it's like my words went into one ear and out the other.

He stayed in his spot, before I heard him sigh.

"Do you really have to eat right now? I wanna be on you." He said, making me nod quickly.

He groaned but regardless he got off of me, sitting next to me.

I grabbed the bag which happened to be McDonald's, pulling out the chicken nuggets first.

As I ate, jay laid on my shoulder as he watched what was playing on tv.

I side eyed him before aggressively shaking my shoulder making his head fall off. He looked at me with puppy dog eyes before laying his head back down for a second time.

I brought my hand that did not a have a nugget in it before grabbing a hand full of his dreads and taking his head off my shoulder.

"Can't you see I'm doing something?" I said gesturing to the food while, he ran his hand through his hair, wincing at the slight pain.

"Ma, I'm so tired and I wanna lay with you." He whined throwing his head back onto the couch.

"Sucks to suck." I said dusting my hands off, deciding that I was finished eating for now.

I put it in the microwave, before going upstairs with jay hot on my tail.

I changed out of my clothes into something more comfortable and laying down in the bed.

Jay unexpectedly spread his arms as a flying squirrel would and jumped on top of me.

I curled up slightly since he landed on my stomach. He just wrapped his arms around me, laying his head back on my chest and sighing in content.

"Uh uh get off." I groaned while he just shook his head.

"I wanna lay on you so that's what I'm gonna do." He said simply, wrapping his arms around me tighter.

I groaned again, knowing that I wasn't gonna be able to get up.

Not even 10 minutes later I heard jay snoring and I felt my chest become wet.


I am so late but it's okay because it's out anyway.
Love - chrisnextdoor

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