PART 2: Overly Possessive Paths

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Josh got into his car and drove out of the building parking lot. Just as he left, Jennifer was already behind him and was looking to follow him to where he was going.

She hailed a taxi and after it stopped, she quickly got in.

“Follow that car,” she said to the driver and pointed at Josh’s car.

The taxi driver started moving and followed Josh’s car. In the taxi, Jennifer began to redo her hair and makeup so she wouldn’t look like she had just left the office without going home to change first. She took her brush and makeup kit out of her purse and applied them.

She wasn’t exactly sure what she was going to do when she got there but she knew she’d know when the time came. Her devious mind was sure to come up with something soon.

While Josh drove, he called Isabelle so he could reassure her that he was already on his way so she wouldn’t be too upset with him. He dialled her number and put the phone on loudspeaker.

“Hey, babe. I’m so sorry for making you wait but I’m already driving to the restaurant,” he told her.

“You didn’t go home to change first?” She asked.

“There wasn’t time for that but don’t worry, I know the manager of the restaurant personally and they do more than just sell meals there. I already called him and asked him to prepare me a suit so when I get there, I’m going to change and then, we can begin our special night,” he said.

“Wonderful! Just be careful and don’t drive too quickly, alright?” She said before hanging up.

After a few minutes on the road, Josh finally got to the restaurant. It was a fancy establishment called “Clarence’s” and it was located in one of the fanciest parts of L.A. Josh got out of his car and walked into the fancy restaurant, unaware that Jennifer was right behind him.

She also got out of her taxi which drove away after she paid him his fee. She followed behind Josh and waited for him to go inside before she went in herself.

“Isabelle,” Josh said happily when he got to the table he had reserved for them, “You look so gorgeous in that dress,” he complimented.

“Well, I can’t say the same about you. You look like a mess,” she said when she saw that he looked worn out.

“Yeah, it was a crazy few final hours at the office. We had a financial meltdown and…you know what? I’ll tell you everything after I get changed,” Josh said.

A waiter walked over to him with an expressionless face and spoke.

“Hello, good evening, Sir. You must be Joshua Clinton,” he said with a posh accent.

“Yep, that’s me.”

“The manager has asked me to lead you to the changing room where we have prepared your suit,” The waiter said.

“Great,” Josh remarked, “I’ll be right back, honey. Just give me a few more minutes,”

He followed the waiter to the changing room while Isabelle waited for him to return.

Jennifer entered the restaurant and saw Josh going into one of the back rooms. She looked around and saw Isabelle sitting on one of the tables. Her expression completely changed when she saw the woman who was with the man she wanted and she felt like attacking her at that moment.

She needed to do something to make this night a disaster, Jennifer thought to herself. What could she do that would make Josh not suspect that she was jealous or acting out of spite? She couldn’t just walk over to them and spoil their evening so she needed to think fast.

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