Mystery Baby

5 2 0

866 A.D

"It seems you've made a mistake, Shade. Hannah can't be pregnant. It's impossible," Garin told the healer.

"What do you mean it's impossible?" Shade asked.

Garin moved closer to her and lowered his voice as he told her about their physical limitations.

"Hannah is barren and so am I. We can't have a child, together or with other people. You have to have made a mistake," Garin said.

"There is no mistake, Garin. Whether or not you and Hannah can have children isn't important. The fact is she's pregnant with a child," Shade said and tapped his shoulder, "You're going to be a father, Garin. I'll give you some time alone with your wife."

Shade walked out of the hut and left Garin alone with Hannah in the other room. He could barely lift his feet to go over to her because he wasn't sure what he would even say to her. This wasn't something that they ever bothered to plan for because they knew it was never going to happen.

Garin finally summoned the courage to walk into the other room. He opened the curtains and found Hannah sitting on the mat, facing the other direction. Even without seeing her face, he could tell that she was just as shocked as he was.

"Hannah?" He called out.

"Why would they do this? Why would they restore what they took?" Hannah said without turning to face him.

"We don't know if they were the ones that did this," Garin responded.

"Who else could have done it? It had to be them. I renounced my Father and he blesses me with a child? It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't add up," she said.

"That's because they didn't do this, Hannah," Garin walked over to her front and squatted down to look at her, "Our fathers never go back on their word. Never! If you are really pregnant, then it's due to some other power and not theirs."

"But, what other power could undo what God and Lucifer have done?" Hannah asked.

And that was truly the million-dollar question. There was a significant chunk of information missing here and they needed answers.




Later that night, Hannah and Garin were asleep on their bed when she suddenly started to feel sick again. She snuck out of bed so she wouldn't wake Garin up and went outside to throw up.

After doing her business, she walked over to the open-roofed gazebo and sat underneath it while staring at the night sky. She had her hands on her belly and was rubbing herself with a smile on her face. Despite her confusion as to how she conceived at all, Hannah was happy that she was pregnant. She had always wanted a child of her own, especially after she lost Herald and now, she was going to be a mother. If she was being honest with herself, she didn’t even really care how she got pregnant. She didn’t care whether it was God’s doing or Lucifer’s or someone else’s. She was happy that she was going to have a child finally.

Hannah suddenly heard the flapping of wings from behind her and she turned around to find Fawn landing on the deck of her home. Fawn landed and retracted her wings and Hannah was certain she was there because of her pregnancy. She got up from the gazebo and stood beside it.

“Did Father send you here to gloat about giving me back my womb? Did he send you here with conditions for keeping the baby? I bet he did. What does he want, huh? Does he want me to revoke my renouncement? Or maybe he wants me to kill Garin, the same way Lucifer asked him to kill me?” Hannah asked aggressively.

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