Blank Minds

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Gentel took out her wings and used them to navigate through the void of the realm that she was, inside the nexus of Isabelle's subconscious. She floated around for a few minutes, searching around for Hannah but all she saw were different spirals of colours and shapeless shapes hovering around.

"Where are you hiding inside this awful mind?" Gentel asked herself.

She moved around for a few minutes longer until she came across a bright light just up ahead. She didn't know what the light was but it was the brightest thing in that place so she decided to get closer to it.

She flew closer and closer until she arrived at the light. She could barely keep her eyes open because of how bright it was. Gentel wasn't sure what it was because it didn't have a known form and didn't look physical.

"What the hell are you?" She wondered and reached out a hand to touch the light.

As soon as her hand made contact with it, the light exploded like a supernova and it blasted Gentel away from it with a very powerful force that could only be described as Celestial.

The Ash Wing rolled through the void for a few seconds before catching herself in the space. She angrily looked back at the light and was perplexed when she saw that the light was moving around and was starting to take the form of a person.

From the bright light, erupted a pair of hands and then, a pair of legs until the light stopped glowing and became a beautiful woman with white hair, clad in a flowing white gown that moved through the void like a calm body of water. Her eyes were bluer than the sea and her aura was nothing short of magnificent.

Gentel smiled when she emerged because she knew she had found exactly who she was looking for.

"There you are! Hannah, the fallen angel, you look a lot different from the last time I saw you. I wonder what's changed." Gentel said and moved closer to her with her right arm behind her back, clutched to her sword.

"Must be your hair and the wings. Last time I saw you, the hair was dark and the wings weren't attached," Gentel said.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Hannah asked her.

"That's right. We were never really properly acquainted. But I'm sure you can tell for yourself. Surely you see the family resemblance," Gentel said and got even closer to her.

Hannah recognized who she was now from the way she spoke and how she taunted her, trying to sound menacing and intimidating.

"You must be Gentel. Garin used to tell me a lot about you," Hannah said.

"Terrible things, I hope?"

"Yes, very terrible," Hannah replied, "So, you're here to finish me off and make sure I don't get reunited with Garin, aren't you?"

"Pretty much!" Gentel answered.

"I would have thought that God and The Devil would have realised by now that even they can't keep us apart. Why would they try to break our bond and end the cycle of our love? What could they possibly gain from doing that?" Hannah asked, upset by the situation.

"They made a bet," Gentel answered casually like it was just a little irrelevant information.

"A bet? I see. So, this is what our love has been reduced to? An item for gambling? No wonder I could feel it in my soul that I needed to find a way out of Harlem. It was to make sure that the two of them both lost their bet," Hannah said.

"True, but unfortunately for you, you won't succeed," Gentel said and swung her blade from behind her towards Hannah's head.

Hannah used one hand to catch the edge of the blade just before it hit her and this shocked Gentel to her core. She didn't even flinch and she held the blade very firmly in her grip without looking away from Gentel's eyes.

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