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Jennifer went back to her desk and her hands were shaking from anger. She had just calmed herself only a few moments ago and now, she was even angrier than before because the message she had just read from Isabelle could have meant anything.


“What’s tonight?” Jennifer asked herself.

She began to imagine all sorts of things about what tonight could be like. Were they going to have sex? She wondered. Even if they were going to have sex, it wouldn’t be the first time and Jennifer knew it, so why was she so bothered about it?

What if it wasn’t sex? What if it was something worse like an announcement…of their engagement? She thought.

He proposed to her and tonight, they were going to tell their families.

“No, that can’t be it. They just got back together so it can’t be that,” she muttered to herself.

She was so lost in her maniacal thoughts that she didn’t notice when Josh walked past her and back into his office. She finally snapped out of it when she saw him moving around inside his office from the corner of her eye.

He had his phone in his hand and from what she could see, he was reading the text. She knew that was what he was doing because of the huge smile on his face. He was clicking his phone and was writing something back and she was so angry because of the look in his eyes. They were surely making plans about what they were going to do tonight, Jennifer thought. He was probably telling her how much he loved her and how badly he was looking forward to tonight.

“Such an idiot! Why can’t he see that who he really needs is right outside his office?” She muttered to herself.

In her mind, he was a love-drunk puppy who was being manipulated into a relationship that wasn’t good for him but was too dumb to realize it. He was a man who was wasting his life with the wrong woman who had bewitched him and he was too far gone to see it. Jennifer was so angry with the way Isabelle had him wrapped around her finger, smiling at her texts, blushing at her words, kissing her lips, sleeping on her bed, holding her, loving her, fucking her…It was too much for Jennifer to withstand.

She couldn’t let “tonight” happen. She needed to come up with a way to keep Josh here in the office till it was too late and he was too tired to even say a word, talk more of having sex. She had to think of something but what? She had no idea.

Suddenly, she got an idea and began clicking on her keyboard rapidly so she could get her plan moving.




A few hours went by and Josh looked at his watch and saw that it was almost seven in the evening. He decided to round off what he was doing and call it a day so he could begin his wonderful evening with the woman he loved.

He decided to text her a little and tell her to get ready because he was about to be on his way. He had told her about his plan for their evening earlier when they texted and had mentioned picking her up by eight and taking her to a fancy restaurant to celebrate the fact that they were back together.

“Hey beautiful,” he wrote, “I’m about to leave the office now so I hope you’re getting ready for our date.”

About ten seconds later, he got a reply from her – “Of course, handsome. I’m planning to wear my best dress for tonight and also wear the new lingerie I got this afternoon,” she wrote back.

“Whew! That’s so hot,” he wrote back.

“You know what would be hotter? If I didn’t wear any underwear at all,” she replied.

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