Wedding Bells

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The wedding day was now here and Isabelle felt just as opposed to going to it today as she did yesterday and the day before that and all the days before that. What made it even more unbearable was the fact that she had to go with Josh and keep up the ruse that they were still together in public.

Isabelle didn’t feel the urge to get out of bed. She wanted the Earth to open up and suck her into it for at least the entirety of today just so she wouldn’t have to go but unfortunately for her, she wasn’t an angel that could just make whatever she wanted to happen.

“Wake up, Isabella. If you don’t start getting ready soon, we’re going to get there late,” Mrs Rita shouted into the room as she walked by Isabelle’s door.

“It’s a wedding, Mom. We don’t need to be the first ones there,” she shouted back.

“For crying out loud, Gwen, can you please help me get her out of bed and ready to go,” Her mom said to her niece.

“Sure, Aunty.”

Gwen went into Isabelle’s room and pulled her sheets off her body. She also moved the drapes so the sun would shine in and force her up.

“You have to get ready, Iz. Your mom is getting cranky,” Gwen whispered to her.

“I don’t want to go,” Isabelle whined.

“You have to! You don’t have a choice or she’ll…”

“I know, I know, she’ll suspect that I’m lying to her,” she sighed in frustration, “What if I just tell her the truth? I mean, she’d understand, right?”

“Have you suddenly forgotten who your mother is?” Gwen asked with a raised brow.

It was a fact that she had to continue with the lie because the truth was so not an option. Isabelle got up from her bed and grumbled as she took herself to the bathroom to get ready for the wedding. She had spoken to Josh all night last night to make sure he behaved at the wedding and also to plan their stories and made sure they were in synch and both their details matched and he seemed to be on board.




While Isabelle was freaking out about what may or may not happen at the wedding, Josh was pretty excited and was really looking forward to it.

He was up early and he had prepared his best suit to wear. He wanted to look good for two main reasons; to win Isabelle back AND to get her mother to love him so she would in turn pressure Isabelle to want to be with him again.

It was all he wanted. Being apart from her for so long had been torture for him and now, he had a chance to be around her and plant seeds for their reunion.

He was all dressed up now and while he stared at himself in the mirror, his cell phone began to ring and he took it out of his trouser pocket. The caller was Jennifer so he picked up because he assumed that she was calling about work.

“Yes, Jennifer?” He answered.

“Good morning, Sir. I know you said not to disturb you today but I was wondering if I could speak to you about some things,” Jennifer said on the other line.

“What things? What are you talking about?” Josh asked.

“I don’t think I should tell you over the phone which is why I called to know if you’ll be in the office tomorrow so we could talk about it,”

“Yes, I will be in the office tomorrow,”

“Fantastic! I guess I’ll see you then and don’t worry, I have everything under control here and all the orders have been packaged and shipped off.”

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