Savage Obsession

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Isabelle walked out of the ladies’ room, shaken and terrified about what had just happened to her. She went to her table and immediately Josh saw her, he knew something was wrong.

“I want to leave,” Isabelle told him.

“What? Why?” Josh asked her.

“I need to leave now, Josh. Don’t ask me why. Just…just get me out of here,”

“But your mother will…” Josh wanted to protest but he could see that Isabelle was very upset and she was also shaking so he decided to do what she was asking.

“Okay, we can go,” he told her.

He got up from his seat and put his coat around her because of how much she was shaking. He held her hand and they both walked toward the exit but Josh led her to her mother’s table so he could tell her that they were leaving.

“Rita, Isabelle and I have to leave,” he said.

“What? Why?” Rita wanted to understand.

“I’m all of a sudden not feeling good and she wants to drive me home and make sure I’m alright. I’m really sorry we can’t stay till the end,” Josh apologized.

“That’s okay, son. Just make sure you take care of yourself. I’ll call you when I get back home. Isabella, make sure you take care of him, alright?” Her mom said.

“Yes, Mom,” she answered.

They left the hall and walked over to the car. Josh opened the door for her to go in and go in himself. As he turned the car on, Isabelle looked out the window and saw Gentel looking at her with a smirk on her face. She blew Isabelle a kiss and waved at her just to scare her some more.

“Iz, are you okay?” Josh asked when he noticed her zoning out.

She looked at him and then back out at the woman but there was no woman standing there. Isabelle became even more confused and even more afraid.

“Just drive, Josh,” she begged him.




The drive to Isabelle’s apartment was a silent one as she placed her head on the side of the window and stayed quiet the entire time. Josh occasionally stared at her and wanted to ask what made her leave so abruptly and why she looked so scared but he didn’t want to pry. All she wanted was someone to take her home at this moment so that was what he would do.

They reached her building and he parked just outside.


“Thank you for not ratting me out to my mother and for driving me home. Good night,” Isabelle cut him off and got out of the car.

“Isabelle, wait,” Josh called out after her and followed behind her.

He held her hand and made her face him because although he didn’t want to pry, he still needed to know why she was so upset and how he could help her feel better because he didn’t like seeing her this way.

“What happened at the reception?” He asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Josh. Just let it go,” she begged him.

“I can’t! Something serious happened to you when you went to the bathroom and I want to know what it is,” he pushed on.

“Why do you want to know? So you can help me? So you can make it all better and make me happy? I’m not your girlfriend anymore so can you just drop this act of being worried about me? You are not responsible for me,” she raised her voice at him.

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