Pirated Lands II

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Night came and so did the time for Captain Edward and his first mate, Triselle to head back to the tree house to loot and also enjoy each other’s company somewhere other than the ship.

Before they left, Triselle went down below deck and went to Hannah’s cell. When Hannah saw her, she got to her feet, expecting she was there to hurt her.

“Relax your parts, I’m not here to do you harm,” Triselle said and stepped into the night that was provided by the lantern hanging on the wall.

Now that she was away from the ragged-looking men, she seemed a lot like an actual woman to Hannah. She was thick and yet slender. Her face was beautiful but for the scar on her left eye that, in a way added to her appeal. Her dark dreadlocks were adorned with little seashells and gold doubloons that sparkled in the light. Her chemise was low and revealed a significant portion of her well-rounded cleavage and her high boots jingled every time she took a step and the sword on her waist dangled around with the promise of death within its sheath.

“Then, what do you want?” Hannah asked.

“I’m here to give you a little warning. Get you prepared for what’s coming,” Triselle said.

“I know what’s coming,” Hannah claimed.

“I’m not so sure that you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be so calm and relaxed… They’re going to have their way with you, all seven of them, one after the other, all night long. If you’re strong, you’ll survive it but that wouldn’t be so good either because they’ll just do it again another night,” Triselle said and she actually sounded concerned.

“Why do you feel the need to warn me? What does it matter to you?’ Hannah asked.

“I don’t really care what they do to you but I have been raped before and I know how that feels. It’s the worst feeling in the world and I thought I should prepare you for it,” she said.

“Does it feel worst than watching your one-year-old child get slaughtered in front of you while you could only but watch?” Hannah asked and stared straight into Triselle’s eyes, “Don’t worry about me. I’ve been through worst,” she said and turned away.

Triselle didn’t know how to respond to that so she just left without saying anything else.

Hannah let herself show her fear after the woman was gone. She was afraid of being raped especially after it almost happened to her a few years ago. She could only hope that Garin would find a way to save her tonight before the deed is done.




Captain Edward and Triselle departed from the ship and left the seven horny men to begin their night of fun.

“Gentlemen, before we begin, let’s have a few drinks to get us in the mood for what’s to come, shall we?” Al said and they all hurrahed.

He grabbed a barrel of ale and poured some into cups and gave it to the others. They took and drank while singing old sea songs to set the mood.

Meanwhile, the captain and his first mate reached the tree house and scaled to the top of it and went inside.

“Our little guest must have collected a lot of stuff that was washed in by the waves during her time here,” He said and moved through the house, looking at the items that were inside.

“Yes, she must have,” Triselle concurred.

“I wonder what treasures could be lying around in here,” he said.

“Instead of wondering about that, why don’t you look for the treasures that are sure to be lying underneath my clothes?” Triselle said and threw her belt that had her sword attached to it to the floor by the window.

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