Rainstorm (Part 2)

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"I made the documents an electronic format so I could get your signatures to give the green light for the shipment and send it back immediately," Jennifer said.

"That's...pretty impressive, Jennifer," Josh said.

She took out the tablet and scrolled through the pages she needed Josh to sign and after he did, she sent them back to the company and that was it.

"Well, it's sent so I guess I'd better get going," Jennifer said.

"You know what, why don't you stay and have some fun?" Josh asked.

"Really? I wouldn't want to intrude." Jennifer said.

"No, it's okay. You deserve a little break from how hard you work," he said and took a drink from a server's tray.

"Here you go," He gave the drink to her.

"Cheers, to a successful business deal!" Josh raised his glass and clinked it against hers.

Meanwhile, Sammy and Isabelle were dancing together and she was surprisingly having a really good time. Sammy was a very graceful dancer and she had to admit that she was surprised by it.

"Wow, you move so well," Isabelle said.

"Yeah, growing up in a rich fancy family, you pick up a few things along the way," he said and it made her chuckle.

"Well, you're very good," she complimented.

"Thanks and I also wanted to apologize for how I acted when we were first introduced. I was being a dick because of Josh and Janet. Whenever they're around each other, things get messy real fast and I've learned to handle it by shifting the attention to myself and so, I act like a jerk." He said.

Isabelle was a bit surprised to hear him say this. Her first impression of him was that he was just a spoiled entitled jerk but now, she could see that he's just a young soul trying to live his life the best he can but is unable to because of the drama in his family that he was just trying to get away from.

"Why are they at odds with each other?" Isabelle asked.

"It's all our parents' fault. They're not really great at reading their children's feelings and they care about their company than they do us," he said.

"That can't be true, Sammy!" Isabelle said, feeling bad.

"It kinda is but it's okay, you don't have to feel bad for us. We've adapted, but Janet and Josh still need some time to stop pointing fingers at each other." Sammy said and continued dancing.

The song came to an end and Sammy moved away from her and took a bow.

"Thank you for the dance, Miss Isabelle. My brother is one lucky guy," he said with what was now a charming smile.

"You're very welcome, Sammy," Isabelle said with a genuine smile and he walked off.

Isabelle walked off the dancefloor and went looking for Josh. She saw him just ahead and walked closer only to see Jennifer's painted fingernails all over his shoulder as they laughed and drank together.

She wasn't the jealous type but she was a woman and her female instincts were telling her that Jennifer was flirting with Josh and he didn't even know it. She got impulsive and marched over to them and stepped in between them rather rudely.

"Isabelle, there you are. I've been looking all over for you," Josh said.

"Really? I would never have guessed seeing as you're having so much fun with your assistant." Isabelle said with a detectable hint of jealousy.

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