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For the first week after getting the job as Josh’s assistant, Jennifer worked her hardest to impress him so she could have the job permanently. She was always aware of his schedule and never let anything slip by her as she was completely thorough and efficient.

She wanted to impress him and seal the position and she was doing a pretty good job and was proving to be the best assistant Josh had ever had, maybe even better than her aunt.

On a sunny Monday afternoon, Josh sat in his office looking over the designs for a new collection of wine bottles when Jennifer stepped in.

“Mr Clinton?” She called him.

“Yes, Jennifer,” he looked at her and answered.

“There’s a woman outside who wants to see you but she doesn’t have an appointment,” she said.

“Did she say who she was?”

“Yes, Isabelle Gilmour.”

“Isabelle? Why is she here?” Josh asked himself with a smile on his face.

This was the first time she had visited him at work and he was wondering what the occasion was.

“Should I send her in, sir?” Jennifer asked with a raised brow.

“Yes, of course,” Josh replied.

Jennifer excused herself from the office and a few seconds later, Isabelle walked in, looking breathtaking as always.

“When I heard it was you, my day got a whole lot better,” Josh said to her while standing up.

“Well, aren’t you a charmer?” Isabelle joked and walked over to him.

He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her closer before kissing her as passionately as was appropriate for a work setting.

Jennifer’s desk was just outside Josh’s office and his walls were made of transparent glass so she could see what was happening inside his office. She saw them kissing and stared for a while before looking away.

“Not that I’m not happy to see you but I have to ask, what brings you over?” Josh said, still holding on to her.

“I have a few hours before I have to get back to work so I was wondering if you’d like to go get some lunch.”

“Totally! Let’s do it.” Josh said happily and grabbed his jacket and he and Isabelle left his office holding hands.

As they walked past Jennifer’s desk, he stopped to give her some instructions.

“Jennifer, please reschedule my 4 o’clock meeting to 5 o’clock.”

“Right away, sir," she replied with a smile.

They proceeded to leave and Jennifer watched the both of them leave the building with a somewhat angry frown on her face, almost like she was upset or…hurt.




In the parking lot, a woman in white walked over to Isabelle’s car and could sense that there was a dark power over it, placed there by a demon. This power was surely meant to cause damage to the vehicle and whoever would be driving it so, it needed to be removed.

The woman placed her hand on the hood of the car and closed her eyes. She focused her power and her energy into her hands and drew out the dark power off the car and cast it away.

Just then, the door that led from the building to the lot opened up and Josh and Isabelle walked out and headed over to her car but they didn’t see the woman in white; she was just…gone.

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