In The Morning

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Isabelle and her mom got to her apartment and she unlocked the door and took some of the luggage inside. Gwen was right behind them with some bags as well and brought those inside too.

“We had the guest bedroom all nice and ready for you, Mom. It’s all set and I’m sure you’ll love it,” Isabelle said.

Her mom looked around, surveying the apartment but she didn’t seem all that impressed by it although it was a very nice apartment which was a result of her daughter’s professional success.

“Before we get you settled in, how about a quick tour of the house, Aunty?” Gwen asked.

“Sure, my dear,” Miss Rita said.

The girls showed her the three bedrooms, the two bathrooms, the kitchen, the storage room, and the living room.

“So, what do you think?” Isabelle asked her mother, hoping for a positive remark.

“It’s nice but it’s not a family home. I mean, you couldn’t raise children in an apartment but I’m sure Josh’s house is nicer than this and as soon as you two get married, you’ll move in with him and start a nice family…”

“Ok, let me just stop you there, Mom. Josh and I are not getting married,” Isabelle shot out.

“I thought you said it was serious?” Her mother asked.

“It is but we’ve only been going out for almost a year. It’s too soon to be talking about marriage and kids,” Isabelle protested.

“You’re going to be twenty-five years old in a few months, Isabella. You’re not getting younger,”

“Can we just talk about something else?” Isabelle asked.

As always, she was disappointed by her mother and her obsession with her getting married. Here she was, proud to show her mother all she’d accomplished in her career but her mom didn’t even care enough to say how proud she was of her. It didn’t matter what she achieved, as long as it was not marriage, her mother never seemed impressed.

“Okay fine, I won’t talk about marriage but at least tell me I’ll be able to meet your boyfriend. I’d really like that,” her mom said.

“That won’t be possible, Aunty,” Gwen cut in.

“What? Why not?” Mrs Rita asked.

“Josh is away on business in China. He won’t be back for a while and by then, you’d have already returned to Iowa,” Isabelle lied.

“That’s such a shame, but I can at least speak to him on the phone, right? Why don’t you call him so I can say hi?” She asked.

“He left just this morning. He was so disappointed that he couldn’t see you before he had to go. He’s still airborne so I can’t call him but he said he’ll call me as soon as he lands and when he does, I’ll let you know,” Isabelle lied again.

Mrs Rita was a bit disappointed that she wouldn’t meet him but she had to settle for just a phone call then.

“Why don’t you get settled in your room and we’ll come help you unpack?” Gwen suggested.

“Ok,” Mrs Rita said and went to her room.

“I feel bad lying to your mom like this,” Gwen whispered to Isabelle.

“It’s just for a few days. You know how she is. I can’t deal with that. Please!” Isabelle whispered back.

“Fine, but I’m only doing this for you,” Gwen said.

“Thanks, Gwen and oh, don’t say anything about me needing counselling. That’s going to open a can of worms that is better closed.”


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