Poetry Reading

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“What are we doing here, Chris? Why did you even invite me to this? You know I don’t like poetry,” Josh complained as they arrived inside the poetry house.

“A good friend of mine invited me to come and said I could bring a friend so I decided to bring you because I know you’ve been feeling down lately and nothing motivates better than some heartfelt words, right? Besides, it’s better than sitting at home, pining over Isabelle. You need this, man!” Chris said to him as they took their seats.

"I don’t want to be here. Why didn’t you tell me that this was where you were taking me?” Josh whined.

“Because I knew you’d say no,” Chris said with a smile and forced Josh into his seat.

The large room was packed with a handful of people who were all taking their seats and there was a little stage just a few paces in front because Chris had taken Josh to a poetry recital.

A well-dressed woman walked over to their table with a charming smile on her face directed at Chris.

“Chris, darling, I’m so glad you came tonight,” The woman said as she reached them.

Chris got up and kissed her on the cheek in a friendly manner.

“Giselle, how wonderful to see you again. Yeah, thanks for inviting me,” he said to her.

“And who is this handsome gentleman? Is he the friend you brought to enjoy the wisdom our sage speakers have to offer tonight?” She asked with a smile directed at Josh.

“He sure is,” Chris said with pride.

“Well, darling, you’re going to have a wonderful evening tonight. I guarantee it,” she whispered in Josh’s ear and strutted away.

“I highly doubt it,” Josh said after he was certain that she couldn’t hear him.

Giselle walked to the back of the stage and as she turned the corner, she looked around to make sure no one could see her and her eyes glowed red. She collapsed on the floor as a dark fog began to seep out of her mouth. The fog took shape and slowly transformed into Gentel.

“Wicked plan, Gentel! When the two of them run into each other and Josh sees her with another man, it’s for sure going to severely damage the love chain,” Zarif said as he appeared before her.

“They don’t call me the dame of destruction for nothing, Zarif. I will make sure there’s nothing left of this love chain before the night is over,” Gentel boasted.

“What about the human? What should we do with her?” Zarif asked and stared at Giselle’s body on the floor.

“Leave her. She won’t remember anything anyway,” Gentel said and the demons disappeared to watch their trap capture its prey.

 She won’t remember anything anyway,” Gentel said and the demons disappeared to watch their trap capture its prey

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The lights in the poetry house dimmed and a female poet stepped on the stage to recite her piece. She fixed the microphone closer to her mouth and began to speak.

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