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About a week later, Josh and Isabelle had grown a lot closer and they spent a lot of their free time with each other.

The love chain was edging closer to being fully restored between their souls which meant that God and the Devil needed to move fast with their plans to break the chain otherwise neither of them would be able to sever the bond.


Jennifer sat in her seat with her elbow on her desk and her palm below her chin, staring longingly at her boss in his office through the transparent wall. Her other hand was twirling her hair into little curls as she imagined what it would be like to be with him.

She was completely focused on him and was unconsciously biting her lips as she stared at him.

She was in awe of him, of how dedicated he was to his business. He was the boss but he always showed up to work every single day. She was in awe of his hardworking nature, his grace and elegance, his kind eyes, and his handsome smile.

She was crushing hard and couldn't help herself. She was attracted to him and wanted to be with him. The only problem was that he was already with someone else.

"You know if you keep staring at him like that, he might take notice of it," A woman's voice said to Jennifer, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Karen! I didn't see you there. What, what are you... talking about?" She asked her colleague nervously.

"Don't even play with me, girl. It's obvious you have a thing for the boss," Karen said.

"Is it really that obvious?" Jennifer leaned in and whispered the question to Karen.

"Girl, it's written all over you and it seems the only person who hasn't noticed is the boss man himself," Karen said.

"Yeah, I don't know what to do," Jennifer said discouragingly.

"Look Jenny, I like you. I think you're a great girl which is why I'm telling you this," she leaned into Jennifer, "...forget about it."

"What?" Jennifer asked. That wasn't the advice she was hoping for.

"I've been here a few years and what I know for a fact is that Mr Clinton doesn't merge his private life and his work life. You and he will never happen so just bury whatever feelings you're feeling and focus on your job, okay girl?"

"Thanks, Karen," Jennifer said and the woman went back to her section.

"Jennifer, please report to my office," Josh's voice said from the phone.

Jennifer was taken by surprise. She wasn't sure why he wanted her in his office. Did he find out about her feelings for him and want to fire her? She wondered.
She took a deep breath and composed herself before walking into his office.

"Yes, sir!" She asked.

"Yes, Jennifer. Please, have a seat." Josh said calmly.

Jennifer sat in front of him and was nervously rubbing her hands together. Josh moved some files from one side of his desk to the other and then turned his attention to her.

"I called you into my office to talk about your future here in the company," he began, "When you first arrived here almost three weeks ago, I made it clear to you that your position here would be temporary unless you proved to me that you could handle it permanently."

He took a pause and got up from his chair. That one swift motion made Jennifer even more nervous.

"Oh no, he's about to fire me," she said in her mind.

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