Without Form Or Void

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Josh and Isabelle had settled into the house quite nicely and were already prepared to enjoy their evening together in the heat of the indoor Jacuzzi.

They were happy to finally be away from the city and they had not had an episode of the time reversal that was affecting them before they took the trip. It was almost like a change of location had somehow negated the power within them and they felt normal again.

Josh was still inside the bedroom while Isabelle was in the heated pool already, waiting for him. He was changing out of his clothes and into a pair of boxers and Isabelle was getting impatient.

“Josh, where are you? The water isn’t going to stay warm forever, you know?” She called out.

“I’ll be right there,” Josh said loudly from the room.

He was ready to go to the pool and just as he was about to leave the room, his phone began to ring and he picked it up from the bed. It was Jennifer calling so he picked up.

“Hello, Jennifer. Is everything alright?” Josh asked.

“That was actually the reason why I’m calling. I wanted to know if everything was alright and if you got to Connecticut in one piece,” Jennifer said.

“Oh yes, we did. We landed about eleven hours ago,” Josh said.

“That’s good to hear,” Jennifer said with anger soaked in the depths of her voice.

Hearing Josh use that pronoun made her so angry that she felt like screaming at him on the phone. She was doing what she usually did whenever she was angry or agitated. She was pinching into the tips of her fingers with her nails and breaking the surface of her skin.

“So, were you able to go to the vineyard to assess the condition of this year’s harvest?” She asked.

“That’ll be tomorrow. After I make sure the grapes are looking good, I’ll prepare the shipping process and they’ll be in L.A in about a day,” Josh said.

“That’s great. I’ll be at the factory and I’ll let you know as soon as they get delivered there,” she replied.

“That sounds good, Jennifer,”

“Josh, what’s taking you so long? I’m soaking wet out here,” Isabelle called out again.

Jennifer could hear Isabelle’s voice through the phone and her words didn’t do well for her imagination. They were about to get wet together and that was guaranteed to lead only to one thing; sexual intimacy. Jennifer was so livid.

“I have to go now, Jennifer. See you in a few days,” Josh said and hung up.

Josh grabbed the champagne bottle and the glasses and headed straight to the pool. Isabelle had a frown on her face and Josh thought she looked so cute angry.

“Don’t be like that, love. I got a call from the office but now that I’m done taking care of that, let’s get this evening underway,” he said as he got into the water.



It didn’t take long for the couple to get comfortable in the water and they were lovingly making out intensely. It was almost like they couldn’t get enough of each other and the heat that they felt around them was coming off their bodies more than it was from the water.

“This is nice, isn’t it?” Josh asked, almost out of breath.

“Very nice,” Isabelle answered and immediately went back to kissing him.

They exchanged a few hot kisses for a few seconds while caressing each other’s bodies. It felt like they were the only two people left in the world and neither of them wanted this beautiful moment to end.

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