Let's See The Vineyard

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Cleo was sitting right outside the deck of the house because the other Celestials had asked her to excuse them so they could decide their next course of action. She sat there with her palms on her thighs, deep in thought about everything that she was up to and contemplating that maybe the risks were too great to bear.

In the back of her mind, she was afraid that her actions could potentially have some deadly consequences and just as she felt her doubts and fears creeping in, she reassured herself that the rewards were indeed worth the risks.

"Everything she's saying sounds like a made-up tale. I don't trust this creature," Sader said to Hannah and Garin inside the house.

"You're a demon, Sader. Trust isn't really something you're naturally good at," Hannah reminded him.

"That doesn't matter! She's not telling us everything and I don't think it's a good idea to put all our trust in her," Sader said.

"She says she can't tell us her plans because she doesn't know what they are. I believe that," Hannah said.

"I hate to do this, My Love, but I'm going to have to side with Sader on this one. The fact that she claims that Summum never told her and the other Nephalems about her long-term plans feels a little too convenient for me. I think she's lying about it," Garin said to Hannah.

"Seriously? You're doubting her? Just a few minutes ago, you thought she was our daughter. You felt a connection with her and now you think she's lying?" Hannah asked, unable to grasp why Garin was suddenly so cautious.

"That's exactly the reason why I'm being more cautious about this. She looks like Jasmine and claims to be her sister, and that's a little suspicious to me. Also, she was able to ease my pain while you couldn't and you're the best healer that I've ever seen."

"Who's to say that she wasn't the one who caused that pain in your head in the first place? She probably did it so she could have an avenue to approach us and gain our trust, just so she can stab us in the back later," Sader added.

Hannah couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was a little appalling to her how untrusting both Garin and his brother were being and she got tired of listening to their speculative theories.

"While you two blind yourselves with your distrust, I'm going to go speak to her and find out how to get back my daughter," Hannah said angrily and walked away from them.

She walked to the door and opened it. Just as she was about to step outside, she stopped and looked over at Cleo.

"Don't worry. It's safe as long as a part of you is touching the house. They won't be able to sense where you are," Cleo assured her.

Hannah stepped out of the door and walked over to Cleo.

"Can I sit next to you?" She asked.

"Of course," Cleo said and tapped the space beside her.

Hannah sat down and they both stared at the dark bushes and trees in front of them while the gleam of the moon cascaded down on the asphalt road beside the house.

"They don't trust me, do they?" Cleo asked without looking at Hannah.

"Demons aren't that big on trust. You can't really blame them though. Not being able to tell us what Summum wants is a little..."

"Suspicious, I know," Cleo cut in, "But it's the truth; she never told any of us what she intended to do to this world. She gave us orders and we followed them without question. You can't demand an explanation from God. I'm sure you know what that's like."

"I do know what that's like," Hannah took a pause.

"I just want to get my sisters back. I don't really care what Summum wants or is planning. I just want to bring them back," Cleo said.

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