Ocean Forever

7 3 0

859 A.D

“Hannah, wait up,” Garin called out as he ran to her.

“Come on, you slow man. The boats are not going to wait around all day,” she said with a smile and waited for him to catch up.

“I’m coming. I’m running as fast as I can,” Garin said with some heavy luggage in his hands.

He reached Hannah and she took some of the bags from him.

“I told you to let me carry more but no, you needed to be a man,” she teased him as she took the bags.

“You’re my wife and I promised to always treat you like a Queen and Queens don’t carry around heavy luggage,” he said.

“I’m no Queen, Garin,” she said to him.

“You’re my Queen,” he said and they kissed.

“Now, come on, let’s go. We’re late,” She said and the couple picked up the pace.

They reached the docks and saw the many boats that were already being filled with so many people who were travelling to various destinations worldwide.

After the couple had come to terms with the death of their son, they spent three more years in the same home they had always lived in since they were cast to Earth but it was filled with too many awful memories so they both decided to move, far away from there to a different place, an entirely new continent where they could start anew and rebuild their lives together without any constant reminders of their past struggles and loss.

They could only hope that God and Lucifer would leave them alone to live out the rest of their lives in peace, away from their eyes and free from their judgment.

They had decided to travel south and find a nice home somewhere tropical, filled with trees, flowers, mountains and of course, their favourite animal; koi fish.

“A cabin for two, please,” Garin said to the boarder when they reached the docks.

After taking care of the payment, they were both able to get on board the wooden ship and it was like taking the first steps into a new world. All their lives on Earth as humans, they had never gone out into the sea. They had been to rivers, lakes, streams and lagoons but they had never ventured into the ocean which made this experience so great and what made it even better was that they were doing it together.

About an hour later, the ship was completely full and they were ready to set sail. The sails were released and the wind pulled the vessel further into the ocean and the passengers on board waved goodbye to the friends and family that they were leaving behind.

Hannah and Garin settled into their cabin and they made their selves as comfortable as they could be because the ship wasn’t exactly five-star.

“Can you believe it? We’re actually doing this,” Hannah said excitedly, like she was just realizing for the first time that their lives were about to change forever.

“This is going to be good for us, My Love. I can already tell. We’re going to make so many wonderful new memories in our new home,” Garin told her.

Hannah fell into the bed in their cabin and Garin lay beside her. They faced each other and looked longingly into each other’s eyes with nothing but love in them.

“Tell me about our new home. What is it going to be like?” Hannah asked.

She wanted Garin to describe to her his vision for what their life was going to be like in this new place they were going to start a new life in.

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