Baby, My Baby

16 2 0

854 A.D

Three years after Garin confessed to Hannah about having killed those young men, things between them were back to normal.

It took Hannah a while to understand what happened and understand that Garin still needed to work on being good and casting away his demonic instincts and she was ready and willing to help him through it.

Her love for him was strong enough to accept his nature and she hoped it would be strong enough to change it as well.

The couple were out in the river doing some chores and spending the beautiful day with each other and it indeed was a beautiful day with the way the sky was bright blue with puffy white clouds floating around.

Hannah was inside the water doing some laundry while Garin was trying to catch some fish with his spear.

She couldn't help but watch him splash around in the water trying to hunt their dinner and shockingly enough, he wasn't very good at fishing with a spear.

Hannah was done with the laundry and all that was left was to dry them out in the sun. She decided to keep watching her husband fail in his attempts and his grunts of frustration made her giggle.

"Is something funny?" He asked after hearing her little laugh.

"Forgive me, my love. I didn't mean to laugh at you but I'm done with the laundry and you haven't even caught one fish," she teased and held in her laugh.

"You think it's so easy, don't you?" He asked her.

"You see a fish, you stab it with a spear. How hard could that be?" She said with sass.

Garin looked at her with a raised brow and put out the spear for her to take and show him how easy it was.

Hannah moved through the water and walked closer to Garin. She got to him and took the spear from his hand and kissed him.

"Let me show you how it's done, honey!" She said with confidence.

He stood behind her and watched as she held the spear out and waited for a fish to swim by. She was focused and was ready to show him that there were some "manly" things she could do even better than he could.

Hannah saw a fish under the water and quickly ran her spear into the water.

"Aww, did it get away?" Garin mocked but was made to swallow his words when she raised the spear out of the water and there was a fish caught in the blade.

"Beginners luck," Garin claimed and Hannah saw it as a challenge.


She took another stab at the water and yet again caught another fish much to Garin's surprise.

"How are you doing this? That's seven in a row now," he asked.

"When I was still an angel, I carried a spear as my weapon for whenever I came across enemies of God," she said.

"You mean demons?" He asked.

"Yes...I don't mean to brag but I was very skilled with that spear and I guess I still remember how to use it," she said and caught another fish.

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