Fight! Fight!

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“Your dirty tactics won’t work on me, Gentel,” Cher said as she chased her around the walls of the building.

Cher pounced on Gentel, tackled her to the floor and held her down.

“Get off me,”

The demon screamed and violently released her wings which blasted Cher off of her. The angel was quickly back on her feet and so was Gentel. The demon manifested an axe in her hand and threw it at Cher who was able to side-step the weapon, catch it in mid-air and throw it back at her.

Just as it was about to hit Gentel, she put her hand out and the axe became dust.

“I see you haven’t lost your touch,” Gentel admitted.

“You have,” Cher replied, “I will advise you to end it here before this gets any more out of control. After I get Hannah out of the vessel, you can come back and try to break the chain but as for now, stand down or I will make you,”

“That has always been the problem with angels. They always think that a demon is no match for them and underestimate us,”

Gentel spread her arms out and slowly began to transform into her demon form. She became significantly taller and her already long and dark hair became even longer and darker. Her suit of armour began to appear around her body, encasing her in its steel and adorning her in its dark beauty.

Her horns sprouted out of her head and her eyes became blood-red. She was fully transformed and ready to fight to the death.

“You’ve made your choice and you’ll regret it,” Cher said.

The angel manifested a second light sword in her hand and ran at Gentel with the intention to kill. As she ran, she also quickly transformed into her complete angel form.
She released her white wings which were as bright as the glow of the stars. Her hair became white and shimmered as well as a helmet formed around her head. Her suit of armour was a lot simpler than Gentel’s and had a lot fewer spikes attached to it. It was made of a white leathery material but was a million times thicker.

Gentel ran at her also and their clash was so heavy that it created a powerful shockwave that cracked the walls a bit. The two celestials came with everything they had, fighting with fire and light driving the edge of their swords, a battle for supremacy, and a fight for the ages.

It was a loud fight and after a while, someone heard the sound and decided to check what was going on in the halls. That person was Isabelle.

As she got closer, Cher could feel her coming and the angel that if she saw what was happening, it would be bad. She needed to get herself and Gentel out of there quickly so she grabbed Gentel’s throat and teleported the both of them out of the building a few seconds before Isabelle turned the corner.

The cracked walls fixed themselves and the damage to the hall was magically undone just as Isabelle arrived. She looked around and saw that nothing was out of place but was left wondering where all the noises she’d just heard had come from.

Her mother came out and joined her and after grabbing her coat, they both left for the boutique.





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