All Aboard

7 3 0

862 A.D

The heat from the scorching sun burned the surface of the ocean’s waters, sending heat from every direction and it sizzled the skin of both Hannah and Garin as their ship floated across the still water in the middle of the ocean.

It had been an entire week since they set sail off the Island and in all that time, they were yet to find refuge or a new place to settle. It was almost like all the land in the world didn’t exist anymore as all they could see on the horizon was an endless body of water.

The fact that they were still alive was a miracle because within one week since they got on the ocean, they were bombarded by burning heat, freezing cold and powerful storms that threatened to end their lives. Their food and resources ran out quickly and they had to hunt for fish in the ocean to stay fed. Their resilience and will to live made it possible for them to survive but they wouldn’t last out here forever and desperately needed a way to get out of their predicament.




Garin stood on the deck with his hands over his face while he looked ahead in his telescope, trying to spot someone or something ahead. He had read the clouds and could tell that a storm was brewing and it would be massive and that made him worry. He continued his scans while Hannah was below deck because she couldn’t stand being under the gruesome heat of the sun any longer.

Hannah was in the main cabin of the ship and she wanted to do something to keep herself busy but there wasn’t really anything to do. She decided to take a nap so she would be refreshed and able to stay awake for the night because that was usually when the rain comes and with the rain comes the storm so they needed to be alert to power the ship through it. The rain was certain to come tonight because the sky was very cloudy and from the looks of things, it was going to be a very big one.

She fell onto the bed and after closing her eyes for a few seconds, she drifted into a deep sleep. Hannah was asleep for about two hours but it felt like it was only a few minutes when she woke up with a loud gasp after having a horrible dream.

“You seem a little jumpy, Hannah,” Fawn said to her with a smile.

Hannah sat up on the bed and wiped her eyes with her hands.

“What do you want, Fawn? I thought I told you to not appear to me anymore,” Hannah said to her quite aggressively.

“I take you’re still upset with Father,”

“I will always be upset with him. Is that why you came? To tell me that everything bad that happened to me was because I renounced him?” She asked as she stood up.


“Was he the one who destroyed the Island I lived on with Garin? It was him, wasn’t it? He’s so obsessed with making me suffer, he does these things to make sure I’m never happy,” Hannah said.

“Hannah, please, enough! I didn’t come here to fight with you about Father,” Fawn raised her voice.

“Then, why did you come?” Hannah asked.

“I came to help you survive the storm tonight,”


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