No Common Ground

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“Did we do it? Did we just break the love chain?” Gabriel asked Fawn because the way they interpreted Josh and Isabelle’s conversation was that they’d broken up.

“I think so,” Fawn replied.

“Oh, would you two get over yourselves?” Zarif said to the angels.

“You weakened the love chain but it hasn’t been broken. Thank you for making our work a lot easier. A couple more tugs at the chain and it’ll finally break and the Devil will be victorious,” Gentel said.

“If the chain were to break, victory will be God’s, not Lucifer’s,” Fawn argued.

“It seems these two don’t remember what the bet was. Care to remind them, Zarif?” Gentel said.

“With pleasure, Sister. The bet was to see who can break the love chain and end it forever, not just weaken it. End it! End it so that Garin and Hannah would not be reborn into the next generation, end it so their love would not be rekindled in the next life, and if you think that an ordinary break-up is going to do that then you’re a lot more stupid than we thought,” Zarif said.

“The love between the both of them has to be removed and destroyed forever so it does not sprout again. This is far from over but thanks to you two, it just got a whole lot easier for us,” Gentel said and laughed as she and Zarif took their leave.




The next morning finally arrived after a night that seemed like it had lasted for days. The dawning of a new day usually brought new hope for whoever needed it.

It brought new hope for Jennifer but not for the Clintons and certainly not for Isabelle.

Mrs Helena woke up feeling like she had failed as a mother and that her failures were the cause of the rift within her family. She didn’t do the best she could for her children and now, she was suffering the effects of it. She wondered what she could have done differently that would have made her daughter less bitter, her first son less independent and her last born less complacent. She was always a loyal wife to her husband even when he made the wrong decisions. She supported his choice even when they were wrong. If she had spoken out against him in the past, maybe the present wouldn’t be filled with so much turmoil and maybe the future would look more bright and filled with positivity.

Mr George woke up the same way he always did; carefree and unremorseful. A bland man that had always seen his children as instruments to carry on his legacy rather than…well, his children. There was no hope for him to change his ways, no hope that he’d ever become a better father, and certainly no hope that his first-born son would grant his wish and take over the family business. He didn’t know what to do if Josh never changed his mind. He hadn’t thought that far ahead. Maybe he would give in to Janet and give her the company, maybe he would give it to Sammy or maybe he would find someone else. He didn’t know but he was sure he would figure it out.

Sammy woke up without the hope of much changing. Actually, he woke up with a hangover and his head spun so much he couldn’t stand up for a couple of minutes. He woke up not feeling different than he was the night before. He was still the spoiled last child, the forgotten one, the irrelevant one who could never match up to his older siblings and he was okay with being this. He had more peace of mind than the others and so, he was content. He was going to continue living his life the way he did and not let the petty squabbles in his family bring down his vibe.

Janet woke up feeling just as bitter and jealous of her brother as she was the previous night. All she wanted was for her parents to see her as an equal to Josh but she knew for a fact that it would never happen. She saw today as another chance to prove her worth to her family but she had no guarantees that anything was going to change. She would continue putting in the work and pray that one day, her parents would see that she was the perfect choice. They’d apologize for ever doubting her and give her the key to their empire that she would continue to lead to greatness.

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