Weird Things

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Josh went into his apartment and slammed his door shut in frustration because he was so annoyed with Isabelle. He couldn't believe that she was still convinced that he had feelings for Jennifer and it hurt to think that she may never trust him again and they wouldn't get back together.

He went into his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. He downed the entire content into his body and sighed in satisfaction as he finished it.

He decided to take a shower because he felt dirty and with that, he went into his bathroom and turned on the water. The warm water fell all over his skin and it felt like magic.

After he was done, he walked over to the little tub and was about to brush his teeth. He opened the cabinet and took out his brush and paste and when he closed it, he was staring at the mirror on the cover of the cabinet but the face he saw wasn't his; it was Garin's.

He blinked almost immediately he saw the mirror and his face returned in it. Josh wasn't sure what had just happened. He felt that he was just seeing things that weren't there because he was tired and exhausted from the previous night that he couldn't even remember.

He finished up in the bathroom and went into his bedroom to put on some comfortable clothes. After he got dressed, he lay on his bed and decided to text his friends about what happened this morning with Isabelle.

He dialled Frank's number and his friend picked up.

"Hello, Frank," he began.

"Sup, Man?" Frank answered.

"I'm not even sure anymore, dude. You will not believe where I woke up this morning or who was naked beside me," Josh said.

"Tell me," Frank asked, his interest already peaked.

"I woke up in a motel room with Isabelle beside me," he said.

"What? That's awesome, Man. Does this mean you guys have buried the hatchet and are getting back together?" He asked.

"No, Man. Let me finish. Neither of us could remember how we got like that," he told him.

"What do you mean?" Frank asked because he was a bit confused.

"Frank, I have no recollection of leaving my home, meeting up with Isabelle and heading to that motel, and neither does she. It's almost like my mind was erased and I can't remember anything," Josh said with a palm on his head.

"Are you trying to tell me that you and Isabelle got together last night, went to a motel, probably had sex and you can't remember any of it, anything at all?" Frank asked.

"That's right, and that's why I called you. I was wondering if you saw me or if you know anything that can help me figure this out," Josh asked.

"After Chris and I left, that was it. We didn't speak again throughout the rest of the night. You know what? I'll get Chris and we'll come over and try and make some sense of this whole thing, alright?" Frank said.

"Yeah, that will be great," Josh agreed.

"Alright, hang tight, we're on our way," Frank said and hung up the call.

Josh was even more confused now. He placed his head on his pillow and closed his eyes, trying to remember something, anything that happened after he went to bed. He searched through his mind, trying to see if he could get any glimpse of last night.

Just when it seemed like he was starting to recollect, his doorbell rang and it pulled him out of his mental journey. He wondered who was at the door because he knew it couldn't be Chris and Frank so he got up to check it out.

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