Caught On Camera

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Hannah and Norae flew up high into the sky while striking their weapons against each other. They went blow for blow, hit for hit, light against light, each determined to gain the edge against the other as sparks of lightning generated from the clangs their weapons made as they struck.

Norae suddenly did a 360 swirl and swung her spear at Hannah’s chest but she was able to block against the hit. It blasted her across the sky and away from Norae who threw her spear at her. The spear came to a stop in front of Hannah and tried to stab her multiple times by itself. Norae was using her telekinesis to control the spear and attack Hannah with it.

Hannah had to be quick and sharp as she blocked the floating spear. Norae called the weapon back to her hand and flew at Hannah again. They continued their dance, slicing and swiping at each other, a series of hits that seemed unlikely to yield a victor because of how equally matched they were.

Norae held up her spear with both hands and transformed it into a trident as two more points suddenly sprouted out from it. She lunged the trident at Hannah’s head who was able to bend her head slightly so the weapon would slide across her shoulder without making direct contact. She spun around and used her elbow to knock the trident out of Norae’s hands and it went falling to the ground.

Seeing that her sister was now unarmed, Hannah attacked her with her sword but Norae was too quick and easily dodged and weaved away from her attacks until she saw an opening and kicked Hannah’s sword out of her hands as well, now leaving the both of them unarmed. With no weapons to fight with, the angels opted to do it with their fists in a good old-fashioned brawl.


Garin was moving at the speed of sound as quickly as he could so he could get to Hannah. He was still unable to teleport so all he could do was keep flying until he saw an ocean of sand.

A few miles behind him was another figure flying just as fast as he was. It was another demon who was following him but Garin didn’t realize it. He was heading for a fight with a powerful opponent unaware that another one was not too far away.

Whatever was to happen, Hannah and Garin certainly had their work cut out for them because the full force of the might of Heaven and the fires of Hell were after them and to survive the odds, they would have to dig deep and fight like there’s no tomorrow.




Back at Josh’s house, the couple were in bed, cuddled up by each other’s side while they discussed the events of the night and what it made them feel.

They had taken a shower and had their dinner all the while barely saying anything to each other because of how worried they were for Hannah and Garin. They didn’t know what was going on with them and could only hope that they were doing alright. Isabelle was also feeling like things were never going to get back to normal for them even with the celestials out of them and restored.

She had been happy and excited about going away with Josh to the Maldives to get away from everything and every reminder of the rollercoaster of situations that they had found themselves in but now, it didn’t feel like they could ever truly get away from it all. One way or another, they would always be linked with the angel and the demon and that means something unexpected could always happen to them at any given time.

“I was so scared when the angel took you. I felt like I would never see you again and it killed me,” Josh told her.

“I was scared too, Josh. I didn’t know what was happening or what had taken me and the next I knew, I was surrounded by heat and sand. It was so terrifying,” Isabelle said and Josh held her even tighter, almost like he was planning to never let go.

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