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The next morning, Isabelle woke up on Josh’s bed but he was not there with her. He had already left for work a few hours ago because he had to see to some things at the office. She decided to sleep in because she was very tired after what happened to her last night so he left her a note on the nightstand before leaving.

She rolled over on the bed and saw the note sitting right there. She reached for it and read its contents out loud, “Good morning, Love. Sorry to not have woken up by your side but I had to go to the office. If you don’t have to go home, then I’d like you to stay there and wait for me because I don’t want to come and not find you there. Love you always, Josh,” Isabelle read.

She smiled at the note and blushed at his words. She really didn’t have the intention of leaving before because she still had three days to prepare before she’d have to go back to work so she didn’t mind staying over at his place for another night. She got out of bed and went downstairs to Josh’s kitchen to grab herself some breakfast because she was starving.

His fridge was well stocked, much to Isabelle’s surprise because she hadn’t pegged him as a man who cooked but there was nothing she couldn’t find in the fridge. She got her eggs, bacon and bread and prepared herself a meal and after she was done cooking, she took her plate back to the bedroom to eat and use his house computer.

Just as she opened the door to the room and went inside, she heard a noise come from downstairs and it sounded like someone was in the house with her. That shouldn’t be possible because the house was locked, she thought to herself. Isabelle put down her plate and started going back down to inspect what or who had made the noise. She moved slowly through the corridor and down the stairs and the lower she got, the more she heard the movement.

“Josh, is that you?” Isabelle asked, although she knew it couldn’t be him.

He wouldn’t sneak around in his own house and he certainly wouldn’t frighten her like this but she just hoped it was him.

“Josh?” She called again but no one answered.

She made it downstairs and went to Josh’s fireplace in the living room to grab a log of wood to defend herself with. She held the wood up and slowly walked over to the kitchen. She could hear that someone was definitely in there and the person wasn’t Josh. She was just about to turn the corner into the kitchen. She took a deep breath and came out while screaming but to her shock, there was no one there.

She was confused because she was sure that she was alone but her eyes were proving otherwise. The room suddenly became very chilly, so much so that Isabelle could see her breath blow out of her mouth. She had felt this sensation before and immediately knew what was with her.

“Looking for me?” A woman asked and she was standing behind Isabelle.

She swung her wood in fear and the demon caught it in her hand just before it hit her face. Gentel snatched the log away from Hannah’s grip and crushed it in her hands.

“If you want to hurt me, you’re going to need more than a log of wood,” Gentel said to her with an evil smile.

Isabelle ran away from the demon in fear and over to the kitchen counter. She grabbed a salt shaker and held it out like a sword against her.

“Stay back, demon, or I’ll…”

“Or you’ll what? Season me to death?” Gentel mocked.

“I know salt hurts you and if you come any closer, I’ll pour it all over you,” Isabelle threatened.

“Relax, human, I’m not here for you. I couldn’t even hurt if I wanted to because according to the rules, you and the other one can’t be hurt,” Gentel said and used her powers to make herself a chair. She sat in it and crossed her legs while looking at Isabelle with a raised brow.

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