Rainstorm (Part 3)

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Janet sat on her bed with a book in her hand but in all honesty, she could barely focus on the words written in it. Her mind was fixed on the fact that her little brother whom their parents preferred was in this house with them and she was certain that their mother would surely try to convince him to reconsider handling the family business before the night was over.

She couldn’t sleep just thinking about it and the heavy booms of thunder accompanied by the crashing sound of lightning and heavy downpour on the roof of the house didn’t aid in helping her fall asleep in any way.

Almost like he could feel her uneasiness, Sammy knocked on Janet’s door and announced that it was him.

“Go away, Sammy. I don’t want to talk to anyone,” she said from the bed.

“Just open up so I can speak to you. You need someone to listen to you and I’m right here, so just let me in. I brought wine,” He said.

She stood up and walked to the door and let him in, “Next time, lead with wine,” She said with a smile and snatched the bottle from him.

Sammy also had some cups and the siblings sat on the bed and drank together while Janet did most of the talking, pouring out her frustrations with their parents for Sammy’s sympathetic ear. He already knew this but he felt like he needed to be with Janet tonight because he knew how much this particular subject affected her.

“Why can’t they just see me as an equal to him? It’s always been like this even since when we were little. What does he have that I don’t have, apart from testicles and a deep voice?” She lamented to her little bro.

“You have to let this go, Jane. It’s not good for you. Mom and Dad have always been like this and they’ll never change. It’s just who they are. And you don’t need to be better than Josh because, to be honest, he’s not that great but, he is our brother and he’s also had his fair share of Mom and Dad’s craziness,” Sammy said to lighten the mood.

“It’s not that I hate him or anything of the sort, I just hate the situation and it just annoys me how they always dote on him even though he doesn’t want to run the company and it’s just not fair,” Janet said.

Sammy pulled her closer and let her head rest on his shoulders. He patted her back gently and with brotherly warmth, letting her know that he was there for her in her time of need and vulnerability.

“It’s all going to work out. You’ll see. I don’t think anything is going to make Josh change his mind about rejoining the company which means it’s only a matter of time before Mom and Dad will give you the position,” Sammy said with encouragement.

“I’m still going to be their second choice, the route they had to go with but not the one they actually wanted.” She said.

Janet didn’t just want to run her parent’s company, she wanted their approval as well. She wanted them to see her as the capable one, the responsible one, the one who could get the job done and preserve the family’s legacy. She wanted them to look at her the same way they looked at Josh. She wanted their respect, their confidence, their support and their trust.

“It’s still better than being in my position, right? Heck, I’m not even in the conversation,” Sammy said lightheartedly and it made Janet laugh.

“That’s cause the only thing you care about is cars,” She teased with a forced smile.

“That is true, unfortunately,” he replied and they both had a good laugh.


Isabelle walked in and cleared her throat so that Josh would realize that she was now out of the shower. She was so infuriated with the way Jennifer looked because she had to admit, she was very sexy in that nightgown and could easily seduce any man.

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