Looming Crisis

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They reached Isabelle's house and she opened up the door and invited Josh inside. He walked in and looked around while she was activating her alarm system.

"Your company really spared no expense for this place. It's so nice and spacious and..." Josh was saying when Isabelle suddenly grabbed him and buried her lips into his.

Neither of them could cage in their urges anymore. It was almost like they needed to sleep with each other if they were to survive the night. It felt... required.

Josh scooped her up and slammed her into the wall, causing her to moan in what sounded to him like pain.

"I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" He asked.

"Just shut up and kiss me," Isabelle replied eagerly. Pain was the last thing she was feeling at that moment.

Josh continued brandishing her with kisses and didn't hold back. He kissed her neck and down to her cleavage. She removed the rubber band that held up her hair and the wave of ebony dropped onto his face, caressing his brain with the smell of her lavender-flavoured shampoo. He put her down and spun her around, leaving her smooched against the wall while he stroked her backside and kissed the nape of her neck.

Isabelle moaned in delight and sweet ecstasy as Josh pleasured her. Her body felt like it was on fire and only his soft kisses could quench it.

She turned around and faced him, forced his jacket off him and ripped his shirt off, causing the buttons to scatter on the floor. She wanted him badly and wasn’t afraid to show it. Josh scooped her up once again and whispered into her mouth, “Where’s the bedroom?”

“Over there,” she muttered softly and gestured in the room’s direction.

Josh carried her into the room and put her down with his lips still suckling hers. She pushed him onto the bed and let him watch her for a moment before lifting her flower-print dress to her thighs. She got on the bed and sat on top of him and began to undo the belt and zipper of his trousers. He tried to kiss her but she grabbed his face with one hand and shoved him back on the bed, asserting her control in their sexual encounter.

She finally got his trousers off and stared at his now aroused erection. She kissed the nipples of his pecks and all the way down his muscly body until she got to the bank of his torso. She looked up at him and their eyes locked before pleasuring his manhood with her tongue without looking away. She kissed him down there over and over again, sucking his entirety with so much eagerness and passion; her hunger was insatiable.

Josh felt like he was about to explode. It had been a while since he was with a woman but he was sure that his previous encounters hadn’t been this good and they had barely even begun.

After pleasing him, Isabelle sat up on Josh’s body and kissed him. While they kissed, he tried to take off the strap of her dress with one hand but she stopped him.

“No…,” she said breathlessly, “I want you to rip it off my body.”

Josh obliged her desires and ripped the dress into shreds, leaving her completely naked for his eyes to soak in the beauty of her womanly features. She was perfection.
She took out a rubber and wrapped it around Josh’s instrument of pleasure before mounting him and going for the ride of her life.

She rocked him back and forth and the both of them groaned with pleasure. They matched each other’s movements and flowed in unison. With each tug of his waist, Josh went deeper into her and the wails of intense satisfaction escaped her lips, revealing her enjoyment.

They could both feel that what was happening between them was more than just sex. They could feel the connection they shared, the spark they ignited in each other, and the overwhelming passion their bodies emanated. This wasn’t just raw lust or desire; it was more than that, so much more and they knew it.

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