Angel And Demon

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Hannah moved around through the field, staring at the trees, the flowers, and all of the beauty that surrounded her. She had never been on Earth before, that is until now and she was so happy to be here as it was everything she thought it would be. The sun was just rising and she was alone in the beautiful field.

She noticed a pond right in the middle of the field and walked towards it. She bent over and looked into the water to see a school of koi fish circling inside. She was astounded by the beauty of the fishes and reached into the water to touch them.

Suddenly, she felt a chill in the air. It was a dark presence and it made her very uncomfortable. She looked over her shoulder and saw him about to take something out of his bag to put into the pond of fish. Immediately she saw him she knew exactly what he was and she suspected that he intended to hurt the fish so she attacked him.

She grabbed his neck and swiftly ran him into a nearby tree, almost breaking it apart.

"What are you doing here, demon?" She asked him with an unfriendly tone.

"Relax, I'm not here to cause any trouble," he claimed.

"Your kind always causes trouble wherever they go," she remarked.

"Well, that's not why I'm here so, can you let go of me?" He asked with a raised brow.

Hannah was reluctant to let him go and her grip on his neck became tighter. He got tired of waiting for her to make up her mind so he grabbed her wrist, spun around her, and pinned her face to the tree, trapping her hands behind her back.

"That's the problem with you angels. You always think demons are no match for you and you end up underestimating them," he said, his lips just above her ear.

Hannah swung her head backwards and butted him right in his face. A powerful hit that sent him flying. His wings sprouted out of his back and he caught himself mid-air and hovered over her.

"Would you relax? I'm just here to feed the fish," he said to her and landed on the ground.

He took off his bag and brought some breadcrumbs out of it to show her.

"See? Nothing demonic, just breadcrumbs." He said.

He walked away from her and over to the pond. He threw some crumbs for the fishes and smiled when they swarmed around it, trying to get some.

Hannah watched him suspiciously, fascinated by his desire to feed the fish. She looked behind her at the tree she had almost destroyed and walked over to it. She placed her hand on the tree and healed it completely, fixing its broken branches and cracked trunk.

"You're very lucky, you know that?" He said to her, drawing her attention once more.

"What do you mean?" Hannah asked.

"You put your hands on things and they grow. Your touch brings life while mine brings only death." He said.

"That's because you're a demon, a servant of the devil, a..." She began to say and he cut her off.

"I know, I know. Child of evil, spawn of Satan, and so on! I've heard it all. We are not exactly given a choice, you know? Just as you are a child of God, I am a child of Lucifer," he said, still feeding the fish.

"Why are you on Earth?" Hannah asked him, curious as to why he was there.

"Same reason as you are. I was sent here to fulfil a task that I already have but for some reason, I don't want to go back to hell. Since my birth, I have only known darkness and fire and then, I came here and I want to know something else."

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