Demonically Mental

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Back in the hospital, Josh was speaking with his friends about what to do with Isabelle in the same hospital with him. He didn’t know if he should go and see her or not and it was even harder to decide when Chris told him that Neo came with her.

“This is crazy! Why this hospital of all hospitals?” Frank asked in frustration.

“That’s the question you’re asking? How about the fact that she’s here for the same reason as Josh is?” Chris asked.

“Guys, focus! What do I do about this?” Josh asked.

“What do you think you should do?” Frank asked him.

Josh wasn’t sure at all. He was about to decide when his doctor suddenly walked into his room to tell him about his condition.

“Hi there, Mr Clinton,” the doctor greeted.

“Hello, Doctor,” Josh responded.

“So, your MRI scans just came back and I’m pleased to tell you that you have nothing to worry about because your brain activity is normal and there are no abnormalities in any way,” The doctor said.

“That’s great news,” Chris said happily and Frank nodded in agreement.

“So, if I’m alright, then why did I lose consciousness at the gym? Something had to have happened to me, right?” Josh asked the young doctor.

“Well, situations like this usually happen to be as a result of overworking yourself, stress, mental unrest and stuff like that. Have you been overworking lately, have a lot on your mind that’s weighing you down?” The doctor asked.

Frank and Chris looked at each other and smiled at the irony of the doctor’s question. The cause of his patient’s stress was just a few doors away and he didn’t know.

“I’ve been working late for the past few nights but that can’t be the reason,” Josh said.

“I recommend that you take some time off of work and rest. You’ll also need to take some vitamins that I’m going to prescribe for you and you’ll be in top shape again in no time,” The doctor said as he wrote down the list of vitamins on a small piece of paper and handed it to Josh.

“So, is he okay to leave or will he have to stay the night?” Chris asked the doctor.

“He’s good to go whenever he wants,” The doctor said and got up to leave.

“Thanks a lot, Doc,” Josh said to him.

“You’re welcome,” the doctor replied and left the room.

“Alright man, let’s get you out of here,” Frank said to him.

Josh got off the bed and Chris handed him his shoes and he put them on.

“So, are you going to visit her?” Chris asked.

“I think I should,” Josh replied.

He got up and was ready to go. The three of them left the room and went straight to the front desk to ask where Isabelle’s room was. The woman at the desk gave him the information and he was ready to go and see her.

“Do you think she’ll want to talk to me?” Josh asked his friends.

“She won’t have a choice. It’s not like she can just get up and walk away, right?” Frank said.

“Go to her, Man. Tell her how you really feel and try to get her to forgive you and give your relationship another chance. I’m telling you, Man. You and this girl are meant for each other,” Chris said encouragingly.

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