Prepare Yourself (Part 1)

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875 A.D

Nine-year-old Jasmine ran along the meadow, chuckling and screaming happily as she ran away from her father. It was a sunny day in the middle of spring and the flowers were blooming proudly under the shine of the sun. The sound of the ocean crashing into the shore could be heard in the distance and a bald eagle hovered in the sky, screeching with joy when it spotted its lunch in the water.

Garin was chasing her with a smile on his face and he was roaring like a lion.

"I'm going to get you," he roared at her just as he reached her.

He grabbed her and gently brought her down on the flowery ground and she shrieked happily.

"I got you," Garin said happily as he tickled her all over.

"Daddy, stop it. Stop tickling me," Little Jasmine begged as she laughed.

"Alright, I'll stop when you say it," Garin told her.

"But I don't want to say it," she replied, laughing because he was still tickling her.

"I won't stop until you say it,"

"Fine, fine, I'll say it. I yield to your majesty," Jasmine said and Garin stopped tickling her.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" He asked and got off the floor.

He gave her his hand and helped her to her feet. They held hands and walked along the meadow as they enjoyed quality time with each other.

"We should get going. It's going to be dark soon and your mother will be back from her friend's house soon," Garin said.

"I don't want to go just yet," Jasmine protested.

"We've been out here long enough, my dear. We need to go home,"

Jasmine was disappointed that her father was forcing them to return home and she sighed in frustration and began to pout.

"Don't worry! We'll come back tomorrow and Mom will come with us. I promise," he assured her.

This brought a smile to her face and when Garin saw it, it made his heart flutter with joy and fulfilment.

As they walked out of the meadow, they stumbled upon an injured squirrel on the ground and it was badly hurt. Its hind legs were both broken and it couldn't walk because of it. It wasn't looking good for the rodent and it wasn't going to survive its wounds.

"Poor little creature. It must have been attacked by a predator and managed to escape but it counts for very little now. Look away, honey," Garin told his daughter.

He picked up a rock and was about to put the animal out of its misery but Jasmine held his hand and stopped him from doing it.

"Don't do it, Father. Let me help it," she told him.

Garin squatted down to her length and held her face with one hand. Her eyes were tearing up and he kissed her on the cheek.

"I know you want to help but I don't think you'll be able to do anything. It's too hurt to be saved, do you understand?" Garin asked.

"At least, let me try. I've been practising and I'm sure I'll be able to save it," Jasmine begged.

"Okay," Garin said with a sigh, "Let's try to save it then."

Jasmine bent over to the squirrel and placed her hands on the animal's body. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to focus on healing the creature.

"Remember what your mother said; You have to project your energy into what you attempt to heal. It's not about how hard you try, it's about how hard you feel," Garin spoke to her while she tried to heal the animal.

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