Shadow Of A God

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“This batch of grapes has been in the making for the past five years and after tender care and proper nurturing, they are finally ready for harvesting. The field runs for a while and everywhere you turn, there are grapes as far as the eye can see and it’s just a wonderful sight, isn’t it?” Janice said to them as she led them through the vineyard.

“It truly is something special,” Josh replied.

Isabelle didn’t say anything. She was still in awe of the beauty that the vineyard held. It was like she was in an enchanted fairytale book because it didn’t feel like she was still on Earth anymore. Josh could tell that she was impressed and he signalled Janice to leave them alone so they could enjoy the vineyards more intimately.

“Well, Sir, I should get back to the labs. In an hour, the pickers are going to begin the harvest so the grapes can be processed and sent to L.A,” Janice said.

“That’s wonderful, Janice. Thank you,” Josh said to her.

“Could we participate? I’d like you to show me how to harvest grapes,” Isabelle said to Josh just as Janice walked away from them so they could be alone.

“Of course, we can participate. Also, I already planned to teach you how to harvest the grapes,” Josh said and walked over to a basket on the ground that had two pairs of shears inside of it.

There were also two pairs of gloves inside the basket and after Josh carried it, he went back to Isabelle.

“So, would you like me to teach you privately?” Josh asked with a smile.

“Yeah,” she replied with a chuckle.

“Okay, then. The first thing you have to know is that the best way to harvest grapes is by using your hands. First, we’re going to put on these garden gloves to protect our hands,” he said and handed her a pair.

“Next, we’re going to find some grapes and use our shears to cut off some bunches, place them in the basket carefully and when we have enough, we’ll take them back to the warehouse so they can be cleaned, processed and made ready for transport.”

The both of them were gloved up, they both had their shears and were ready to begin the harvest on their own. Josh took her a nice little bushel and carefully showed her where to snip so the grapes don’t get hurt. He delicately cut off a bunch and placed them into the basket.

“Now you try,” he said to her.

Isabelle used her shears and did exactly how Josh had shown her and was able to successfully cut off a bunch of grapes.

“I did it,” she said triumphantly.

“Yeah, you did! Come on, let’s get a few more,” Josh said and they continued harvest.

“Can we eat them right off the branch?” Isabelle asked.

“Sure we can but I have to warn you that they may taste a little tangy,” Josh said.

He plucked a single grape from a vine and hand-fed it to Isabelle. She chewed on the grape and while she did so, she made noises with her mouth that would suggest that she was enjoying the grape.

“Good?” Josh asked.

“Very good, and not tangy at all,” Isabelle replied.

“I guess we have a really good batch this season,” Josh said and they continued picking.

While they harvested the grapes, they had no idea that the dark shadowy figure was a few paces behind them and was getting even closer to where they were. The mist flowed until it was right behind Isabelle and just as it was about to make contact with her leg, she moved.

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