New Bet, Same Tactic

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“The bet has to change, Lucifer,” God told him.

“What do you mean the bet has to change? Change to what?” Lucifer asked.

“You cannot tamper with man’s free will the same way I can’t. Josh and Isabelle know the truth and despite that, they are willing to continue their relationship. That simply means the love chain cannot be broken. Maybe it can be with the next reincarnation but not with them,” God told him.

“Then, what do we bet on or are you going to call everything off?” Lucifer asked, thinking his Father would use this opportunity to call off the bet entirely.

The thought did cross God’s mind. He had put everything on the line before and had risked it all; his kingdom, his angels, his creation, everything. Now, he had a chance to make sure they wouldn’t be at risk anymore but the idea of getting rid of Lucifer’s hold on humanity was too good to miss out on.

Since creation, Lucifer had dedicated his entire existence to poisoning the minds of humans, turning them against God and leading them to a life filled with sin of all forms. He stole Man’s righteousness and it gave him too much power, so much so that he almost rivalled God’s power but just didn’t match up to it. But, he became powerful enough to be impervious to God’s power so he couldn’t be harmed or destroyed by God.

And as his powers grew, so did his influence on humans and since then, Hell had been filling up with so many condemned souls and each time a person went there after death, it broke God’s heart and made him weep for his beloved creation.

“No, we’re not calling anything off,” God said.

He wasn’t going to lose this chance and leave Lucifer to continue taking the souls of Man. He wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip and let The Devil continue his rampage on humanity. It had to stop and God was ready to make sure that it did.

“Then, what do you propose the new bet be?” Lucifer asked with a smirk on his face.

He could feel God’s desperation to liberate humanity from his chains of oppression. He could tell that his Father wanted him out of the picture for good and would not relinquish the chance to do so and it made everything play out exactly how he wanted. Now, if a new bet is made, he would still have a chance to finally rule over it all and have God answer to him.

“The new bet is still the old bet. The only difference now is that we’re breaking the love chain not with the vessels but with our offspring,” God said with calm and majesty.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Lucifer asked with a smirk.

“Yes, Lucy, I am. Whichever of us kills Hannah and Garin first will dominate as the supreme ruler of all the realms.”

Lucifer couldn’t believe his ears. He knew God was serious about putting an end to his reign but he didn’t think he was this serious.

“The plan was to trap their souls and lock them back up in Harlem but now you want to kill them?” Lucifer asked, wanting badly to hear the answer.

“They have become too big a nuisance to tolerate. They’ve lied, they’ve disobeyed, they’ve killed and they’ve defied me countless times and I have had enough. I could simply snap my fingers and end their existence but doing it this way will serve as our new bet.

“When they’re fully restored, we’ll send our children after them and whichever of them succeeds will determine which one of us wins,” God added.

“I’m in, but I’m sure you still have your rules so tell me what they are,” Lucifer said.

“Rules are important, Lucifer. Rules are necessary to make sure you don’t lose control of things.”

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