Close Call

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Isabelle had a really good meeting with her colleagues. She was eased back into the work setting and was briefed on the current projects that they were working on. It seemed that after the fundraiser was held, a couple of wealthy philanthropists had set their eyes on Clinton Corp and were looking to do business with them which meant a consultant would be needed at this pleasant time that the company was facing.

It was impressive how easily Isabelle was able to understand the situation and was ready to get to work. Gerald ended the meeting and everyone left to get to work but Isabelle stayed back to speak to him for a while.

"Did you manage to get all of that?" Gerald asked her while she was packing up her gadgets and notes.

"Yes, I did. It's kind of crazy how many new partners are flooding in, isn't it?" She asked him.

"That's how it works, Isabelle. Did you think the fundraiser was just that? It was also a means to show the business world what the company has to offer, a hook that was tossed into the business river and now, it has caught hold of a few big fishes," Gerald said, smiling.

"Well, I guess I'd better get to heating the oil to fry some fish," Isabelle replied.

"That's why I hired you," he gestured at her and she got up to leave.

Isabelle left the conference room and walked back to her office. She fell into her chair and was about to get to work when her eyes fell on the coffee cup that was still on her desk. She remembered what had happened and felt that she should call Josh and tell him about it as she'd intended.

She grabbed her phone and dialled his number. The phone rang for what felt like forever but Josh finally picked up.

"Hello, honey," Isabelle said.

"Hi, my love," Josh said to her, "Sammy, give me a minute," he told his brother and went to a corner so he could speak to her.

The brothers had arrived at the dealership several minutes ago and were still checking the place out. The owner of the business that wanted to sell it was with them and was showing them the space and the cars in the garage.

"What is it, Iz? Is everything okay? Do you have a problem at work" He asked.

"Well, I've got something but I'm not quite sure what it is. Something weird happened to me at the office," She said.

"What do you mean by that? What happened?" He asked.

"I don't even know how to explain this. I...think I somehow managed to reverse time," Isabelle said.

Josh's ears stood erect when he heard her say this. Just as she was experiencing blackouts at the same time that he was when Garin and Hannah's spirits were surfacing, now they had both seemingly turned back the hands of time. It couldn't be a coincidence!

"What exactly happened, Iz?" He asked, wanting every single detail.

"I accidentally spilt my coffee but the cup never hit the floor and it just flew back onto the table," she explained and she sounded worried.

"Something similar happened to me too," he told her.

"Really? What happened to you?" She asked eagerly.

"Sammy and I were heading to the business he was thinking of buying. We were in his car and we hit a motorcycle and the car crashed, Iz. It was a very bad accident and we weren't going to make it but all of a sudden, everything just re-winded to a few seconds before we hit the motorcycle.

"I was able to make sure it didn't happen again and no one else seemed to be aware of it, no one but me," He told her.

"Are you alright?" She asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't hurt.

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