Begin Your Descent

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"Last call for passengers going to Thompson, Connecticut. This is the final call. Please get to the boarding aisle because the flight is soon to take off," The announcer's voice said on the speakers at the airport.

Josh and Isabelle were already on the plane and had found their seats. They were sorting out their luggage and placing them in the top compartments. Isabelle was helping Josh load the bags and suddenly, one of them slipped out and almost fell on her head.

"Whoops! Be careful there," A young woman said just as she caught the big bag with one hand, right before it made contact with Isabelle.

"Wow," Isabelle said to the young woman, "Thanks for catching that bag. You seem pretty strong," Isabelle remarked because of the woman's subtle strength.

"I literally sleep in the gym. Hi there, my name's Cleo," she gave her hand to Isabelle.

"Hi, Cleo. I'm Isabelle and this is my boyfriend, Josh," she introduced.

"Hi, there. Thanks for saving her head," Josh joked.

"It's my pleasure. I'm in F19," Cleo said and pointed at the closest seat to the window.

"We're F20 and F21," Isabelle said.

"Awesome! Well, let me get my bags up there so we can strap in," Cleo said and lifted her box.

"Let me help you with that," Josh said and took the box from her.

"Thank you. Such a gentleman," Cleo remarked.

After they locked their bags in, they all took their seats and in a few minutes, the 'fasten seatbelt' sign was on as the plane moved along the runway before rising into the sky.




Hannah landed on a patch of land in the discarded ruins of Amania and retracted her wings. She was on the other side of the stream and watched as the water flowed from one point to another. The water was so clear and the flow was so calm and she felt at peace despite being in a place that was filled with so many bad memories.

She walked across the water, stepping on the surface like it was solid and went to the other side. She arrived at a large boulder that had moss growing out of it. She knelt beside the rock and wiped off the green moss with her hands until she could see the inscription on it.

"My Jasmine! I miss you so much, my dear girl," Hannah said to the rock.

Meanwhile, Sader and Garin were still walking through the jungle that surrounded the land. They made their way through the thick bushes and long vines and it seemed like they were lost, at least for Sader it did.

"You don't where we are, do you?" Sader said to his brother.

"Of course I do. It's been thousands of years since I was here but I know where I'm going," Garin said.

"And where exactly are we going?" Sader asked.

Garin sighed at the question and he kept walking without answering it. Garin took his silence as an answer that meant it was too personal to talk about.

"I know what happened here, Garin. I know what you lost but as you said, that was thousands of years ago. What could possibly remain here that's so important that made your beloved wife fly off and leave us to fend for ourselves without our powers?" Sader asked.

Garin stopped walking and turned around to face Sader. He had a cold look in his eyes and Sader could tell that he was sad despite the hostility in his eyes.

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