A Girl's Heart

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The evening after Isabelle slapped Josh, he went over to her apartment to see her and work things out. He knocked on her door and called out to her to open up but she didn’t want to.

“Isabelle, I know you’re in there. Please open up, we need to talk.” He called out.

Isabelle was standing beside the door and didn’t want to let him in but she also couldn’t bring herself to send him away. He could see her shadow underneath the door and was desperate to speak to her.

“Come on, Isabelle. You have to let me explain everything,” he begged.

“There’s nothing to explain, Josh. I already know everything. You had no right to interfere with my job and…”

“What are you even talking about?” Josh interrupted her, “I didn’t interfere with your job in any way.” He claimed.

“You spoke to my boss and made him give me the project, didn’t you?” Isabelle asked.

“I didn’t do anything of the sort. I haven’t even set foot in Clinton Corp in almost five years," Josh told her.

That statement from Josh confused Isabelle because here he was, telling her he didn’t do what a stranger told her he did on the phone. She decided to give him the benefit of a doubt and let him say his piece.

She opened the door and invited him in for a conversation. As they went inside, Zarif stood by the corridor and was upset because he knew Josh would explain everything to Isabelle, she would believe him and they would get back together.

When he came up with this idea, he thought that Isabelle would be too angry to even give Josh a chance to explain himself but that wasn’t the case. He had yet again underestimated the power of the bond between them and would once again fail in his attempt to break them apart.




“My parents have always tried to decide my entire life for me. They chose my college for me and after I graduated, they wanted me to join the family business. They pressured me and for a few years, they had their way,” Josh said to Isabelle.

They were both sitting on her couch and he was explaining to her why he couldn’t have had a hand in getting her the project because he wasn’t a part of the company anymore.

“My father is a perfectionist and my mother always supports whatever he does. Whenever I tried to speak out against him, she would stop me and take his side. I got tired of it and then I dipped into my savings and started my own business. I sold the shares I had at Clinton Corp and invested into my company and five years later, I haven’t gone back.” He finished.

Isabelle didn’t know what to say and just stared at him.

“I’m sorry for not telling you the truth earlier. I just don’t like talking about my family that much. But in terms of getting you the project, that’s not true. It isn’t possible because I don’t have that kind of power in my family’s company anymore. I gave it up," he said.

Isabelle felt bad about accusing him of something so twisted. She wasn’t really upset about him not telling her about his parents. She understood because she had a somewhat similar relationship with her own parents. She could see that talking about his parents was upsetting him so she moved over to his side of the couch and put her arms around his shoulders in a loving embrace.

“Do you still talk to them, keep in contact?” She asked.

“Occasionally, yeah,” he replied.

She put her hands on his cheek and stroked it softly.

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