Restored In The Sand

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It was late in the night and Josh decided to take Isabelle to his place to spend the night because his house was a lot closer from the venue of the fundraiser than her apartment was. She agreed to it and besides, they were still hot for each other and spending the night in the same bed wasn’t such a bad idea.

Josh drove until he arrived at his house. He rode the vehicle into the parking spot and turned off the engine.

“Madame, we have arrived,” he said to Isabelle with an Italian accent and it made her laugh.

“Thank you, Don Joshua,” she played along.

They both chuckled as they got out of the car. Josh walked from his side over to hers so they could head inside together but just as he was about to reach her, an unknown figure flew out of nowhere and snatched Isabelle off the ground and flew with her into the sky.

“Isabelle…” Josh screamed after her as whatever took her disappeared out of the sky and was just gone, and so was she.

It had moved so fast that Josh didn’t get to see what it was that took her but he was certain that he saw wings on whatever it was. It had to have been an angel or a demon. Josh was so scared for her. He didn’t know where she was or what was happening to her and he didn’t know what to do.

“Garin? Garin, where are you? Come out, Garin. I need your help,” Josh screamed for the demon.

He hit his head several times, trying to force the demon out of him but nothing was happening. Suddenly, he started feeling woozy and his entire body hurt so bad that he could barely stay on his feet. Josh collapsed on the ground and was screaming with his hands clenched to his stomach. His eyes began to glow an ominous red colour and the sound of his screams became demonic. He rolled around on the ground very quickly, almost like he was being exorcised and this could only mean one thing; Garin was trying to get out. Not take control of Josh’s body but to actually get out of him physically.




The creature that took Isabelle away from Garin appeared in the air with the human in its hands. It let go of Isabelle and she fell from a great height until she landed on the sand which was soft enough to gently break her fall and not cause her any injuries.

She landed on the sand and rolled down the slope for a few seconds, grunting and wincing as he rolled until she came to a stop. Isabelle quickly picked herself up and looked around to see what it was that had taken her.

It was very difficult to see because the wind was blowing quite a lot and it made sand and dust float all around her and it hindered her sight. The wind reduced its intensity and Isabelle was finally able to open her eyes properly and when she saw where she was, she couldn’t believe it. She was in the desert.

She wasn’t sure what dessert she was but because she was well cultured and had travelled the world a lot, she became more certain that she was in The Sahara Desert in Northern Africa. She was scared and alone, the howl of the wind inducing more fear in her and the sand was hot on her feet even though it was evening and the sun was soon to set.

Isabelle became even more afraid when she felt a swift breeze that was obviously not natural. It was made due to something moving incredibly fast and whatever it was, it landed right in front of her with a lot of power and it caused the sand to envelop her once more.

She looked in front of her, waiting anxiously for the dust to settle and when it finally did, she was shocked to see that what was in front of her, the thing that had snatched her from Los Angeles and brought her out to Africa, was an angel; a female angel and she didn’t look like she was here to sing praises to the Lord.

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