Disobedient Children

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"Go on, Fawn. Do it. Send me back to Harlem. That's what he sent you to do so do it," Hannah shouted again.

"You've had your time with him. You've spent your original life and multiple others with him so will you stop being selfish for once and realize the necessity for ending this love chain?" Fawn said to her sister, trying to justify what she was about to do.

"I indeed lived my life with Garin but it was never whole because neither God nor Lucifer would leave us in peace. They always stood in the way of our happiness, always brought us bad luck and misfortune, and always found a way to take our happiness and squeeze the life out of it.

"My life with Garin wasn't perfect because of the both of them and now, they want to end my connection to him forever. I'm an eternal being, Fawn. My soul will live forever but it would be a worthless existence without Garin. If the angels and demons in Harlem weren't forced to be apart from each other, I would gladly go back and spent the rest of eternity with him but that's not the case."

"Hannah," Fawn called out, the weight of her conscious crushing her heart.

"Don't you get it, Fawn? I can't exist him," Hannah said.

This suddenly became even harder than before. Fawn had the end of the blade only mere inches from Hannah's chest. It was time to make a decision; Obey God's command OR spare her sister.

With a heavy heart full of love and regret, Fawn let go of Hannah and made her sword disappear.

"He'll send someone else to do this and you know he always gets his way," Fawn told her.

"Not this time," Hannah assured her, "Will you be alright?"

"Father will be angry that I didn't finish my mission but I'm sure he'll forgive me," Fawn said and held Hannah's shoulders.

"I don't know how this is all going to end but I wish you all the best, Hannah, I truly do."

"Thank you, Sister," Hannah said.

Fawn turned into a cloud of dust and disappeared, leaving Hannah with a smile on her face because she knew for certain now that not all her siblings were close-minded about her situation. Fawn understood and spared her which meant a lot to her.

Her hold over Isabelle's body seized, freeing her mind from its temporary prison.




Isabelle's mind regained control of her body just as she bumped into the edge of the balcony and fell over it.

Isabelle screamed in terror as she fell over but was able to react quickly and grabbed onto the railing across the balcony with one hand. She was so shocked by what was happening and she screamed uncontrollably as she held on for dear life.

"Somebody help me," she cried out but it didn't seem like anyone could hear her.

"Please, anybody," she kept crying for help but none was forthcoming and to make matters worse, her hand was starting to slip and she was losing her grip on the railing.

She used her other hand to hold the railing which gave her a better grip and tried her hardest to pull herself back up but she just didn't have the required upper body strength to do so successfully.

She grunted out in fear and panic as she tried again but was still unable to pull herself up. Her hands were sweaty and she was slipping. It became clearer in the back of her mind that this was probably the end for her.

Just as she was about to lose hope and the last bit of strength she had, she heard the sound of her door opening as someone walked in.

"Iz, are you here?" Gwen called out.

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