Pure Heart

14 3 0

851 A.D

"Hannah, there's something I need to tell you," Garin said to her at the dinner table a week after the incident with Zarif and Gentel.

It had taken Hannah a few days to recover from her assault and she was up and about in next to no time. She didn't seem angry or bitter about her assault. It was almost like she had forgotten all about it.

Garin discerned that she was acting that way because just as he still had some attributes of a demon, she still had the heart of an angel. She was all smiles and never once spoke of finding the men and getting justice for what they'd done to her. She was still a pure-hearted angel and he was still a bloodthirsty demon.

He decided that it would be better to tell Hannah the truth about what he had done to those men. He had thought about telling her about Gentel's and Zarif's involvement but he decided against it. What he did was all him and no one else and he had to take full responsibility for his actions. He didn't care what his siblings thought of him, he didn't even care what he thought of himself. It was only Hannah's opinion of him that he cared about. If she could forgive him for what he had done, if she could accept him the way he was, then everything would be fine.

"What is it, my love?" Hannah answered.

Garin took a deep breath and looked at his wife. He was about to open his mouth to speak but he couldn't form the words. He was afraid that she would reject him or would be too appalled with what he had done. He didn't want to lose her so he decided not to say anything.

"Never mind honey. It's not important," he said dismissively.

Hannah could tell that something was bothering him. She could feel his heartbeat and his tensed breath.

"If it wasn't important, you wouldn't be shivering like you are right now," Hannah said and held his hand as a show of support.

"You can't keep anything away from me, Garin. We are connected, you and I and I'm always going to be here for you. You can tell me anything," she assured him.

"If I tell you, you may never look at me the same way ever again," he said with his eyes on the floor.

"Look at me, Garin," she said to him.

He couldn't bring himself to look at her which made her lift his head to look at her.

"Nothing can ever change the way I feel about you, Garin. You're my soul mate and I love you and will continue loving you for all eternity," Hannah said.

Garin had no choice but to believe Hannah's words so he held her hands and faced her.

"I've done something terrible," he began.


Hannah burst out of the cottage with her hands on the sides of her head. She was shocked by what Garin had just confessed to doing and it was more than she could handle.

Garin came out after her and was trying to get her to understand that it wasn't his fault that he lost control of himself and slaughtered those men.

"I was just so angry because of what they had done to you," he shouted from behind her.

"And so you slaughtered them?" She asked in disbelief.

Garin didn't like the way Hannah was looking at him. This was the exact thing that he was most afraid of; her fearing him.

"I didn't want to, Hannah. I lost control of myself to my inner demon but you know that's not who I want to be. All my life, I was taught nothing but evil. For thousands of years, I was moulded to be what I am but it's not what I want and I'm trying to be better...for you."

Hannah looked at him with tears already swelling in her eyes. She loved him more than life itself but she couldn't bring herself to walk over to him and forget what he had done. She wanted to forgive him, she wanted to understand him, and she wanted to tell him that it was going to be alright but, she couldn't, at least not now. She needed some time to gather her thoughts.

"I need to think, Garin. I need to be alone for some time and think about this," she said and turned around to leave.

"Do you still love me?" Garin asked her with tears in his eyes and his heart in his hands.

"Yes, Garin. I still love you...and that's what makes this even harder."

Hannah walked away and headed to the meadow to clear her head. It was one of the places she went to when she was feeling sad or happy. She usually went there to reflect, digest and contemplate her problems since she was cast to the Earth.




With Hannah gone, Garin remained in the cottage feeling bad about everything that had just happened. He remembered the day he met Hannah and the way she had looked at him and compared that look with the one she gave him today.

It wasn't the same look but they carried the same message; he was a demon and demons do terrible things.

"Please, Hannah, oh please forgive me." He cried out to himself.

"She will," A voice suddenly said, "if your regrets are genuine."

Garin turned around quickly, alert and ready to defend himself against the intruder in his home. He was surprised to see that it was a man in white and although he didn't have his powers anymore, Garin could tell that this man was an angel.

"Hello, Garin. It's nice to finally meet you," The angel said.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Garin asked.

"I'm Gabriel and I'm here to help you," The angel replied.

"And why would you want to help me?" Garin asked sceptically.

Gabriel walked up to him and they stood face to face. Gabriel's essence was powered with celestial prominence and Garin could feel the amazing divinity that emanated from him. It was strong, powerful and weirdly peaceful.

"I want to help you for my sister's sake. She loves you and I love her which means I have to love you as well. When our Father banished her to Earth, it was the saddest day of my entire existence. I was sad that my beloved sister had given up everything for a demon that did not deserve her love or her kindness.

"But, I've been watching you and I have seen what is in your heart. You are a good man, Garin and she's lucky to have you as a companion," Gabriel said.

"I don't think that I'm as good as you say and neither does Hannah," Garin said sadly and took a seat.

Gabriel laughed at his words and sat beside him.

"It seems you don't know her as well as you think. The only reason she allowed herself to sin with you was because she knew you were worth it," The angel said and stood up.

"What you did was terrible and you need to learn to control your impulses but with that being said, your actions were a result of love and not hatred. Your love for her was what drove you to violence and she knows that. She'll forgive you but you'll have to show her that your heart carries more love than it does hatred," Gabriel said and disappeared, leaving Garin with the hope of better days to come.

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