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865 A.D

A few years passed after Hannah and Garin made it to the peninsula after the storm that almost claimed their lives and the new life they had built there was shaping up to be the best they had ever had since they began living on Earth.

When they first arrived, they were strangers in this new land. They didn’t know anyone and didn’t have anything except their ship and the clothes on their back.

The peninsula was located at the coast of the North Pacific and it was a beautiful piece of land, surrounded by nature, rich and fertile and inhabited by a group of settlers who had begun their community there for more than two centuries since their ancestors discovered the land. They were a progressive people and they called themselves “Amans” and their land was called “Amania” which was derived from their native language and when translated to English meant “Paradise”.

Hannah and Garin were foreigners in this new land and they were welcome with open arms and love. English was spoken in Amania but only by a few members of the two hundred of their population so they didn’t become friends with the natives too quickly since they couldn’t communicate with most of them. After three years of being a part of their civilization, eating their food, learning their language, wearing their clothes and living as one of them, they became very important members of the Aman community.

Hannah made friends with many of the women in those three years and it was expected because she wasn’t just a foreign woman, she was also very interesting, intriguing and beautiful in a different sense of the word. Unlike every other woman in Amania, Hannah was the only one with dark hair. The other women, both young and old were all born with blonde hair so Hannah’s different hair colour made her somewhat of a local celebrity because of that particular distinction.

She also joined the women to cook for the community and learned how to prepare their dishes according to their ways. Garin loved the food but sometimes, Hannah would cook her dishes separately for him because he missed her old meals. One day, one of the women entered her tent and perceived the wonderful smell of her meal which was a lot different from the meals the women usually cooked. She praised Hannah’s culinary skills and asked her to share her recipe.

Soon after, news of Hannah’s delicious meals spread quickly and whoever tasted her food always loved it so her meals were slowly but surely incorporated into the community and it made her revered and beloved by all in the land.

Garin’s distinct trait among the men was not the same as Hannah’s because the men had dark hair and some of them were also blonde so that wasn’t what made him stand out. What made him different from the other men was his very noticeable superior strength and architectural intelligence. The men of Amania were strong and hardworking but Garin brought a new meaning to those words.

He got work as a builder which included building things out of rocks, wood, sand, clay, and every other durable material. He assisted the others to build tents, boats, monuments, schools, birthing rooms, and so many other constructions and whenever he was at work, everyone, especially young women would stare from afar, some people from closer up, and they would be in awe of his strength.

He would lift massive heaps of rocks and wood all by himself and his muscular bronze body would glow in the shine of the sun and it was a sight to behold.




Money wasn’t a thing at this time so they lived life according to a system of “You take what you make” which simply meant that every man or woman would contribute and do their part for the community and the more the community gained from you collectively, the more you gained from them individually. The community was tight-knitted and lived like a huge family and no one owned any private property except for their homes which were more like tents instead of actual buildings but, some people did gain more than others but that was as a result of working harder than others.

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