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“No, no, no, now’s not the time for her to come here. I won’t be able to deal with everything that’s going on and with her at the same time,” Isabelle protested to her cousin.

“I’m sure you can handle it. I mean, you’re mom’s not that bad,” Gwen claimed and saw the look on Isabelle’s face which had “Really?” written all over it and Gwen had to say the truth instead.

“Alright, fine! She’s a pain in the ass but she’s your mother so you have to let her stay with you,” Gwen said.

“No, I don’t. I can pay for her to get a hotel or something,” Isabelle thought but instantly knew that it would be too awkward if she asked her mother to stay in a hotel instead of her spacious home, “Why is she even coming here?” She grunted out and went to her house phone.

“I don’t know. She didn’t say why,” Gwen answered.

Isabelle took the phone from her table and dialled her mom’s number so she could ask her about it.

“Hello, Mom,” Isabelle said after her mother picked up.

“Isabella, my dear, how are you?” Her mother asked cheerfully.

“I’m fine, Mother,” she said dismissively, “And what’s this I’m hearing about you coming to L.A in two days?” Isabelle asked.

“Oh yes, you remember my good friend, Pamela, right?” Her mother asked.

“No, I don’t remember any Pamela,” Isabelle replied.

“Well, she’s a friend of mine and her daughter is getting married in L.A this weekend and I was invited so I thought I’d use this opportunity to see my little girl and finally meet that rich and handsome boyfriend of yours,” Her mother said.

Isabelle’s heart nearly flew out of her mouth. She remembered that she didn’t tell her mother about her break-up with Josh and was so sure her mother would make her life unlivable if she found out about it.

Gwen looked at Isabelle and mouthed the words, “You didn’t tell her about the break-up?” to Isabelle.

“I forgot,” Isabelle mouthed back at her cousin.

Her mom was still rambling about meeting her “future son-in-law” and Isabelle had to kill that topic off while she still could.

“I just wish you’d have called me first before telling me you were going to stay with me,” Isabelle said while shaking her head.

“That’s why I called you today to inform you about it. Why? Is there a reason why I can’t stay with my own daughter?” She asked with a tone that sounded sad and rejected.

Isabelle saw this coming. Her mother wasn’t even there yet and was already trying to emotionally manipulate her and the worst part was that it was working already. She wanted to lie and make up some reason why her Mom wouldn’t be able to stay with her but she couldn’t think of anything and also didn’t want to hurt her mom’s feelings so she gave in. She’d have to deal with the drama after her Mom arrived.

“There’s no reason for any such thing, Mom. I look forward to your arrival. See you soon,” Isabelle said and hung up.

The cousins exchanged some looks because they knew that when her mom arrived, all hell could break loose.

“I guess she’s staying here then. Thank God I don’t live here,” Gwen joked.

“What am I going to do when she finds out about me and Josh? She’ll freak out and that would make me freak out,” Isabelle complained to Gwen.

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