Sharpedened Wings

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Isabelle slowly backed away from Gentel who was coming at her with the worst of intentions. She scanned around for something she could use to defend herself but there was nothing in sight.

“Don’t even bother, you weakling! Nothing can save you from me,” Gentel said menacingly and moved closer to her.

“What do you want from me?” Isabelle asked with shaky breaths, fear overwhelming her senses.

“I want you to suffer, the same way I have because of you and lover boy over there,” The demon looked over at Josh who was still reeling in pain on the ground.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Isabelle said to her.

“Don’t worry, you’re about to find out,” Gentel raised her dagger.

Josh got a hold of himself again and looked up to see that Gentel was about to hurt Isabelle so he mustered up the strength to stand. He saw an iron rod on the sidewalk and picked it up. He ran up behind the demon and ran the rod into the back of her head with so much force, it became all mangled up.

“It seems someone is a slow learner,” Gentel turned around and was about to cut Josh with her dagger when someone suddenly grabbed her hand and stopped her.

“That’s enough out of you, Gentel,” Cher said to her and kicked her halfway across the empty street.

The demon tumbled on the ground for several seconds before coming to a stop after crashing into a pole. She let out an angry grunt and got back on her feet.

“Are the both of you okay?” Cher asked them.

“I’m fine but she hurt him,” Isabelle answered and ran over to help Josh.

“It’s okay, Isabelle. She didn’t hit me that hard,” Josh lied.

He could feel that his ribs were broken but he didn’t want Isabelle to worry.

“Who are you?” Isabelle asked her.

“I’m a friend and I’m here to help,” Cher answered.

“Don’t lie to them, Cher. They already know everything. You’re no friend of theirs and neither am I,” Gentel said.

She began to walk back to where Cher was with the vessels and she transformed into a full demon.

“The two of you need to get out of here, right now. This is going to get rough,” Cher told them.

“I’m going to break you in half,” Gentel screamed and ran after the angel.

Cher also transformed into her armour and charged at Gentel. They collided in a ball of fire and the two celestials took to the sky, holding on to each other while trading heavy punches.

“We have to move, Isabelle,” Josh said and held her hand.

They began to run in the direction of Josh’s car so they could get out of there. They kept running and could see his car just up ahead. Just as they were about to reach it, Cher crashed on top of the car and flattened it with her body. She tried to get up but Gentel crashed into her in the car and it exploded in a ball of fire.

The blast pushed Josh and Isabelle backwards and after Josh hit the ground, he grunted out in pain because he landed on his already broken ribs.


“Oh no, Josh. You’re hurt, aren’t you?” Isabelle crawled over and assessed his condition.

“I’ll be okay,” he assured her.

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