Stay Away From Josh

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A few days passed and the day of Clinton Corp’s fundraiser finally arrived. The event was scheduled to start by four in the afternoon and run through till it was over, whatever time that may be. Isabelle was really looking forward to going for mainly two reasons; she was excited to finally get back to a work setting and slowly get back into shape and catch up on everything she had missed out on since she was gone AND she wanted to try again to create a bond with Josh’s father and maybe even his sister Janet.

A few things had happened in the past days and they included Mrs Rita returning home to Iowa. She really didn’t want to leave yet but she had duties she needed to attend to back home so she had no choice but to leave. She left happy though, because she knew her daughter was in good hands with Josh and was also in a good place in her life where she didn’t need someone to constantly worry about her.

Gwen had moved out of Isabelle’s place and gone back to her matrimonial home. She had insisted that if Isabelle needed her to stay longer, she was willing to but Isabelle assured her that she was fine now and didn’t need her immediate company anymore, and besides, it wasn’t fair to Andrew that his wife had to spend most of her time away from him. She couldn’t tell Gwen the truth about her problem but she made her cousin feel comfortable with leaving her alone.

Hannah and Garin’s spirits were also getting stronger and at the rate they were moving, they would be fully restored in just a matter of days. They were very much looking forward to finally being able to touch each other’s original bodies but they were also worried for they knew the trouble that would arise once they were back.


Josh and Isabelle were in the car, driving to the event when suddenly, his phone began to ring.

“Iz, can you please get that for me?” He asked.

She picked up his phone and saw that the person calling was his mother.

“Hold on, I’ll put it on loudspeaker,” she said.

“Hi, Mom,” Josh spoke.

“Joshua, where are you? The event’s about to start,” she scolded.

“Mom, you said four o’clock. It’s three forty-five right now and I’m on my way,” he said.

“Just get here soon,” she insisted.

“I’ll be there soon. I’m just going to get to my office to grab a little something I got for you and before you know it, I’ll be there,” He said and his mother hung up.

“So, what is this gift that you got for her?” Isabelle asked, not for the first time today.

“My mother has a collection of brooches made during or before the 17th century and I had someone look into it to find me one of the first and most exotic ones made in Vietnam at that time. I was going to give it to her on her birthday but unfortunately, my contact hadn’t found it yet but now, he has and he dropped it off at the office,” Josh told her.

“How convenient!” Isabelle rolled her eyes.

“What do you mean by that?” Josh asked.

“Nothing!” She answered but he knew that it was not nothing.

They finally got to the office and Josh parked the car. He was about to get out of the car but noticed that Isabelle was getting out as well.

“You don’t have to come with me. I’ll just run up and get and we can go,” he told her.

“It’s okay, I wanna come,” she said.

He didn’t get why but he didn’t really care. They got out of the car and went up to his office together. They came out of the elevator and arrived inside his company.

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