Like A Boss

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On the drive to Quaddick, Isabelle and Cleo were laughing so hard in the back seats as they spoke and got to know more about each other. Apart from their jobs, they had almost every other thing in common and they really hit it off.

Josh listened to them from the front and he had a smile on his face the entire time. He was so happy to see Isabelle calm and relaxed, having a good time with her new friend without worrying about the strange things that had been happening to them. That was the point of this trip after all; to take a break from all the chaos and madness, to forget about their problems, even if it was just for a day and to spend some quality time in each other's company.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" Isabelle asked her.

"I'm twenty-six," Cleo said.

"Wow, I'm twenty-six as well," Isabelle said with a smile.

"What do you know? Another thing we have in common," Cleo said.

"You know what would be even crazier?"


"If we had the same birthday..." Isabelle said.

"We should check. Here, we'll both say our birthday at the same time and see if we match," Cleo suggested.

"I love that idea. Let's do it," Isabelle agreed.

"Alright, on three! One...Two...Three.
October 24th,"

"June 9th," They both said in unison.

They both began to laugh as they realized that their birth dates didn't match.

"Yeah, that was a long shot, wasn't it?" Isabelle asked with a chuckle.

"I guess it was," Cleo replied and looked outside the window of the moving car.

She recognized a particular road that they were driving past and asked Josh to tell the driver to stop. Tim stepped on the brakes and stopped the car while Cleo looked for something in her bag.

"What is it, Cleo?" Josh asked.

"I think this is my stop. I haven't been here before but my parent's house should be on the other side of this street. I recognize this road and that big tree from the postcard they sent me once," Cleo said and took the card out.

Isabelle took the card and compared it with the road in front of them and saw that they were identical.

"Yeah, this is definitely the same road but, will you be able to find your way from here?" Isabelle asked.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," Cleo said and began to get up.

"We can drive further in if you want," Josh offered.

"No, that's okay. You guys have done enough for me and I wouldn't want to put you out of your way. I'll find the house. This town isn't that big," Cleo said with a smile and got out of the car.

Tim got out as well and helped get her backs out of the trunk. After she had her luggage, she went back to the car door to say goodbye to Isabelle.

"Make sure to call me, okay? We need to hang out again before I go back to L.A," Isabelle said.

"I sure will and besides, I live in L.A as well so we're definitely to hang out again," Cleo assured her, "Goodbye Josh. Take care."

"Take care, Cleo," Josh bade her farewell just as Tim drove off.

Cleo watched the car drive off and after it was out of sight, she began to walk down the lonely road to find her way to her parent's home.


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